Actually it was different, it was about proving the inequality by using function derivatives, and substituting a suitable function that gives the AM-GM inequality
Actually question 16 consisted of proving the AM-GM inequality by using functions and the second part was to justify trapezoidal rule by using functions and integration techniques
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Micelles can be formed without grease or dirt being in the centre of the molecule. This is because of the hydrophobic tail. When talking about micelle formation when cleaning grease or dirt, you would say: "The polar hydrophilic heads of the micelles decrease...
Re: MX2 2015 Integration Marathon
You can prove it graphically or you can use L'hopital's rule. The reason why I just made it equal to 0 straight away was because I already knew that the limit went to 0, but under exam conditions I would of proved it via L'hopital's to make the working out...
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
A micelle is a group of soap molecules that form into a spherical shape where the hydrophobic tails arrange themselves inside the sphere and the hydrophilic polar heads form the surface of the micelle sphere.
Re: MX2 2015 Integration Marathon
Yes. Its a different form of IBP, where instead of establishing u, u' and v, v', you just find a function and shape it in a way such that when it is differentiated, one term will provide the integral desired.
Re: MX2 2015 Integration Marathon
$ Let $ I = \int_{0}^{1} \frac{(-x)^n (\ln{x})^n}{n!}
\left(\frac{-(-x)^{n+1} (\ln{x})^n}{n!(n+1)}\right)_{0}^{1} = I - \int_{0}^{1} \frac{(-x)^n (\ln{x})^{n-1}}{(n-1)!(n+1)} $ (Differentiate both sides if you want to confirm it) $
Re: 2015 HSC Economics Marathon
Greater investor confidence. You wouldn't want to invest into a country that is politically corrupt and has a bad credit rating.