I had a personal worst, considering i didnt think i was really stressed abou the exams at all.
went to bed at 10.30, got to sleep at 11.30, woke up at 12.30, got to sleep at 2, again at 4 and got to sleep at 4.30, then up at 7 and couldnt sleep to 8
Thank god i have early entry...
Thanks...lucky i did the cssa paper, looks like i totally forgot to copy that dotpoint and the one after it from my syllabus and thus didnt have an answer for it
Ive actually started doing that now
ive done practice essays, worked out the amount i can write at an appropriate degree of neatness, and started to shorten my essays
In the cssa paper there was a qestion relating to techniques used for safe entry of the space shuttle into the earths atmosphere..which dotpoint did this q relate two
Ive seen this techniqe of using a + instead of an "and" in a few past exam responses...i guess its ok becuse of the fact those resposes were band 6 but do you thinks its ok to do
My writing is about the same as yours and i have attempted to get a computer for the test, got rejected, and since have apealed 4 times without sucess. I swear the only way they will give you any consideration if your writing is the equivilent of this...
Hey can anybody give me a uai prediction based on my trial marks and ranks:
Format (subject, trial mark, rank in trial, final rank)
Maths Ext 1 39/50, 3/14, 5/14
Maths 90/100, 2/30, 1/30
Software design 67/100, 3/15, 1/15
English advanced...
I was talking to one of the lecturers at UOW and he said that only a very small number of people do an Engineering/Commerce double degree. Any body here doing that double degree? What are the advantages of getting the double degree and are they worth the extra time and effort?
Sweet..i got guaranteed (unconditional) in BE Electrical engineering and BE Electrical Engineering/Be Commerce
I never acutally went for the second, though during the interview i did say i was interested in it, so the guy must have wrote a comment on it or somthing, but yeah it requires a uai...
Dotpoint- Gather, analyse information and use available evidence to assess the impact of medical appiclations of physics on society.
Anyone have or know where i could find a constructed answer for this?
Is Electrical engineering a "suit" or an "overall" job? I guess i want to get into a desk/management job as im not really a working on machinary kind of guy. Would i be better off getting a commerce/business/accounting degree or an Enginneering degree if getting into management is my goal...
I had my Electrical Enginneering "interview" yesterday. Though it wasnt really like an interview, basically the guy said "we have to fill out the paper work first" and he listed my trial marks and some intersts and stuff (about 3 min worth), then for the next 20 min we talked about the course...
They do but its only for a few facilties. I got my letter in the mail today and lost it before i got a chance to read it:( ....lol. Was there anything important on it other than the time for the interview.
On the UNSW rural scholarship app forms it says "school trial report" or "position in year class"
Is the "position in year/class" your trial position or your final ranking for all your assesment tasks.