jmakawiow: you use big words and shit. but you have no idea what your talking about. way out of your depth. get a root first, then ask the question again
And julies meals looked visually shit.
a piece of dry cake on a plate
chris had his looking much better
but im definitely going for poh, purely cause i love asian cuisine
the only reason i didnt like it was that my teacher would give us the sheet of questions, but never the answers.
and when i did get my hands on the answers, there were quite a few mistakes
i dont think its very accurate, i got 96.25, and it gave me 92.60
bit of a difference?
EDIT: just realised i put my english mark 10 marks under, gave me 95.95, so pretty good
hey sorry to bother yall
but im doing some papers for my dif cal exam next week
and i ran into one i had trouble with:
lim(y>0+) (cosh(3/y))^y
this is my work so far:
let L be the limit it approaches
so lnL=lim(y>0+) ycosh(3/y)
=lim(y>0+)(cosh(3/y))/y^-1 which is in the form (inf/inf)