i saw a group of yr 12 punks from my high school when i was going to uni on monday around 2.40, in mufti.
i should have called the school. an anon. tip off! :D
do any oldies have the questions to assignment 3 and 4 from last yr for comp115?:D
thanks. :)
edit: from a source that shall remain disclosed: But I remember ass3 was one where we made a class and used a text file containing words (like a dictionary). User was prompted to enter words and...
we can do it on the bored!!! then others can join in too....it would be a huge love fest.
those tables are too small, i have bumped my head many a times.
use the right hand screw rule to find the direction of mag field in each wire and then use mag rule [opposite charges attract, similar charges repel] to find the activity in the place where the two mag fields cut.