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  1. C

    English error

    *cough* ...eh?
  2. C

    Med or Dent

    "diazepam and Temmes" ?? did you mean "diabex" and "temeze" or am I just not "with it" ...the whole drug scene that is. :D edit: oh wait, just read the full thread...gmraso stay away from my practice!...you too inasero. :p
  3. C

    Am I Stuffed?

    Then well...yes you're pretty much stuffed. If you don't understand equations (the fundamental language of chemistry) then how can you understand chemistry at all? Also how would you balance equations (also required in the HSC)... Ehh, what are your specific problems with equations exactly...
  4. C

    Type Two's!!!!!!!!!!!

    I sold all the books issued to me by the AMEPP people. They were fairly good - limitless questions, so it suited the purpose well.
  5. C


    WHAT?! How dare you!! You take that back! But back to the topic of Med VS Dentistry, which is better, better heart or better teeth?
  6. C

    Med or Dent

    Hehe, well that's like me saying 10 years down the track "What if I did Vet sci...what if I did Law??" Basically, you'll just have to live with it, but if you're enjoying what u do at the time, it doesn't really matter.
  7. C


    I am but the master of underwear...as well as the master of curry and consequent wisdom. Got a problem with that??! HUH?!
  8. C

    Med or Dent

    Dude - I strongly recommend you take medicine, like I told Frigid. You might be jazzed up about dentistry coz you didn't see this coming, but in the long run, you'll wonder "What if...?" If you went for med first, ask yourself why.
  9. C

    Med or Dent

    Dentists only have a large graduate salary. It is far less than specialists in due course. Also, what bs government imposition u referring to? Bulk billing?? It's in fact safer to get cheques from the government. Money is a dangerous thing in the practice, you don't want it lying around with all...
  10. C

    Retreat From The Global

    Yes you are. I hated learning Irish history. To me, Irish should just settle down and shut up. All that complaining and terrorism for nothing. Heaney's poems were just sooo depressing and outrageously boring.
  11. C


    yummios, so much to choose from!
  12. C


    hehe...btw what does he "Specialise" in? Does he actually need to specialise in anything as such? Or can he deal with things like stabbings, accidents, etc. no matter where they are located?
  13. C


    Fission reaction - well you have controlled and uncontrolled fission. Basically when there's a controlled reaction, as in the case of nuclear reactors, you have a chain reaction going, where atoms are bombarded with neutrons, giving off multiple neutrons and different elements. In fact...
  14. C

    Retreat From The Global

    The alternatives aren't much better. BOS needs to rethink the text list for this module - they aren't very appealing at all. (Castle is okay I guess...and appropriate, but everyone's seen it like 20 times!)
  15. C

    SC mark!!

    Tsk tsk - you bother remembering those? I remember I got band 6's in everything, but it means absolute jack.
  16. C

    Type Two's!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, but you did waste your money. 420 bucks?! what sort of rip off course are you going to?! The most I paid was 250 until I realised it was a waste. My firmest suggestion is that you sell all your books for about 200 bucks. I sold mine for 100.
  17. C

    predicted UAIs and interviews

    Probably interview - since most 100s probably only got a second round interview.
  18. C

    SC mark!!

    What's a School Certificate? :P
  19. C

    Hamlet and R&G

    It's an easy duo of texts to do for this elective in my opinion. Just remember to link the explanation of afterlife, fate, purpose, identity, appearence VS reality and death with the Divine Order (i.e. God at the apex of the universe and social heirarchy) - well for Hamlet anyway. Then...