doubt they will do interview, because given the time constraints and the stress people are under, its just too damn hard. its too hard doing without any time constraints and without any stress!
most likely;
mod a - feature article/speech
mod b - feature article/speech (either mod a or b...
lol considering the aos is common between stand and adv, id say generally essay, but next likely is speech and feature. Unlikely to be interview and all that other crap... its too difficult to do with 5 texts in 40 mins. BUT, having said that, yea, prepare for anything. or givin the time...
try answering the question.. u generally have to refer to techniques such as emotive and descriptive language, juxtaposition, rhetorical questions, repitition, imagery, tone, person, word choice, colloquial language (register i guess) .
im in the same boat as enigma.. i can get about 1600.. its readable, but its just not very neat. been doing it with the same pen over and over - an inky one... they help me to write heaps fast. That and a detalied knowledge of what im bsing about.. i generally don't stop and think in sec 111
yea, im about 50 minutes as well. I cut time on my creative.. which only takes about 25. The only think im worried about, is if they specifiy some random shit for the creative, im gnna have to spend more time on it, meaning that i won't be able to spend my 50 minutes on my essay.. meaning, my...