eng: read halmet+R&G are dead+wuthering heights+reading logs for the 3 =.=
phys: none :D
chem: battery assignment, past HSC question on module one
maths EX1 EX2: none
chem+phys: summaries
MX2: past HSC questions+tutoring
fun fun fun :(
getting really damn bored, gotta study so back on the forum
i have the same teacher for 3U and 4U maths, but it's kinda weird that he teaches 2u teach with 4U method....2U volumes and he links it to 4U format
yeah! it has been 3 wks since last post! lets revive it
anyways....T-mac injured his back again..with yao still out....rockets....*sigh*
slim chance making to play-offs
thx in advance
here goes
find constants a, b, c such that the polynomial p(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x -13 is expressible as X^3 + aX + b wher X = x - c. hence show that the equation p(x) = 0 has only one real root
fitz pg 199 Q17
i reckon using the psp as a mp3 player is stupid. it's too big. use the psp for games (of cuz) and mp4s (videos). 1 gig wont last u long if u're runnin umdemulator or fastloader. the isos are HUGE!! over 1 gig..wont fit.
back to the point, i agree changin the earphones. nowadays anything white...
if u expand it....
∫x(x^2+1)^3 dx
i think there is a quicker and more easier method...but this is one way =P
i cant believe rockets suck so much....bottom of the ladder >.<
t-mac, yao, wesley, swift...wat happen to them? (i have to admit, yao is kinda shit now)
i found a pretty cool painting for my supp text.
i'm relating it to 'lime tree' and 'mariner'. any ideas on the bird and its significance??
thx in advance
Renee!!! wow! u're doin Coleridge as well? sweet! u can help me!
I'm doin Balzac and the Little Chinese Streamstress as my film. Need to find a visual and something else....due in a week =.='
ali777, i think i'll use that. cbb to look for others, thx anyways.
hmm maybe charlie and the...