We've done TBS, RIH and Snow, but I really don't like RIH, so I'm hoping to use the other two. Is it true that you have to start your essay with one of the prescribed texts? Because depending on the question, I tend to write in chronological order, and it just so happens that my two related...
I was surprised at how short the listening seemed in comparison to some we've done in class - it was a bit dodgy, but at least there were no spelling or phone number questions!!
When I spoke to my teacher afterwards, she was appalled that we'd had to do so much analysis of language in the...
Okay - this is a very specific question about how to form the conditional:
If I wanted to say something like, "If I had stayed, I would have been happier", bearing in mind that it is in the past tense, would it go like this:
"Wenn ich geblieben waere, waere ich gluecklicher gewesen"...
I know I should write in French, but since this is technical stuff, I thought I should get it right! I was wondering - for the written sections, should you write on every second line? We've always done it at school to make correcting easier, but since our papers will not actually be marked, do...
porka - technically, I started learning French in Year 5 (once a week) where we learned some very useful stuff like colours, days of the week, drinks, cultural stuff and of course songs! But as far as actual "study", I start counting from Year 7. That's really interesting that you found the...
I applied for special provisions (extra time to write and rest) for a medical condition that I've had since birth which has required frequent surgery, so I can't write very fast. They denied me the extra writing time because my "writing sample was too neat" and the content was "too capable" -...
When did you get this letter? cos i reckon it would be really nice to know what "deal" they're going to do for me before results and uais come out - but i don't like my chances!!
Originally posted by RageAgainstBOS
it depends on the uni and in fact campus
eg sydney uni does not give ANY benefit at all if the course u want in on is on their main campus
How sure are you about this? From what I've been told, there are only two limitations under the broadway...
thanks - i'm elligible for two categories. does this mean that if i'm successful for both, i'll get extra x2? Also, does after the HSC mean before any results come out? I hope so, because it would be a lot nicer to know what to expect!
Kate - my subjects are virtually the same as yours, only in place of economics, I do extension german. My school is ranked in the top 15 (not quite the same as yours!) and my marks and ranks are pretty similar - some are worse, some are better. Anyway, I'm no expert, but when I got an estimate...
Je suis tout fait daccord avec toi vis--vis le nombre de mots que tu cris pour les writings - mon prof de franais me dit toujours quil me faut y passer moins de temps pour que mes notes soient mieux dans les autres sections, bien que ca soit ma "section" favori! Jai fait un practice listening...
Jess - Wo ist meine Unterhose?
Lol - never thought six years of study of both Fr and Ger would allow me to help out people in such weird ways! Don't worry, I don't blame your obsessions - I have my own!
I know what you mean - I've always been discouraged against it, but when push comes to shove I really don't think that the markers will penalize you for it - as long as you're still providing an answer
Je suis daccord avec toi presque rien se passe ici! Moi, je suis en train de rviser pour lexamen dExtension et vrai dire, il est beaucoup plus facile de trouver quelque chose faire en faisant a. En ce qui concerne Continuers, cest un peu plus difficile. Alors, si tu as lnergie (moi, je non...