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  1. inasero

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    How can you possibly hope to keep religion out of it? I mean yeah it's possible that the girl and her family were not religious, but no doubt many religious people are faced with that kind of decision and I'm sure their religious views would definitely be an important factor. Even in a largely...
  2. inasero

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    You see the problem is you're expecting me to argue on your terms, no? I would say that's pure dogmatism. What makes rationalism so much more superior to faith?
  3. inasero

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    i would be inclined to argue that intelligence limits our the sense that hardly anybody comes to hold their religious view(s) though a process of deductive reasoning. also faith in no way limits "intelligence" at all. some of the brightest minds in history have been theist, I'm sure...
  4. inasero

    UMAT Scores: What they mean?

    you just add your raw scores, easy as that. as far as i'm aware you get raw scores (don't know how they calculate that) and percentiles. each section is worth 100 so total is out of 300.
  5. inasero

    MBBS vs Bachelor Medicine

    you miss out on surgery, so surgery is out as a possible future career choice. not's the same thing.
  6. inasero

    Does God exist?

    i don't think that was his point...chill
  7. inasero

    medical term

    ectomorph would do it are you thinking of an actual condition? heaps could case it...e.g. coeliac disease, hyperthyroidism, cystic fibrosis....take your pick
  8. inasero

    new phone or new plan?

    o rly? i read some pretty good reviews what's your experience?
  9. inasero

    The vatican has been infiltrated

    uh TL;DR version for this whole thread pls kthxbai
  10. inasero

    new phone or new plan?

    Hi guys, have been looking for info for a few hours but still not sure what to do. My situation is that I've been using Optus Turbocharge prepaid on my 6230i for well over two years now, and I thought heck why not go on a contract and get the same rates PLUS a new phone. Well unfortunately...
  11. inasero

    Big Brother Australia AXED

    good riddance
  12. inasero

    Does God exist?

    The mind of Christ :)
  13. inasero

    Does God exist?

    I do not think it's possible to scientifically argue the existence of God, if that's what you're looking for. He is just so beyond our limited human understanding it would be a pointless exercise and I think the day we do we'll become Gods (read: never).
  14. inasero

    Does God exist?

    The point of this thread is to find out "Does God Exist", no? Well then if this faith stuff doesn't satisfy you, want do you want me to tell you?
  15. inasero

    Does God exist?

    Why would you suppose that?
  16. inasero

    Does God exist?

    Why thank you, in all seriousness I'm glad you consider me dogmatic because it shows I'm doing my job properly, which is to speak the truth.
  17. inasero

    Does God exist?

    Where do you suppose you derive all pleasure and joy? How can you possibly reconcile your pleasure and joy with all the suffering that's going on in this world?