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  1. M

    assuming that there will be cuts to places @ usyd

    How hard is it to transfer? - i've heard you need atleast a 95 UAI plus a distinction average... is transfering after one year plausable or too difficult to be worthwhile?
  2. M

    17 Days Until Exam

    They basically have to repeat questions hey? Cos effectiveness, law reform and issues & remedies have all been asked. UNLESS they decide to be completely harsh and ask really specific questions, like ONLY on de facto relationships, or JUST on termination of employment. But from what everyone...
  3. M

    assuming that there will be cuts to places @ usyd

    I'm not sure, depends on my UAI. i mean even arts advanced and media and comm are hard to get into, plus their UAI may rise too. Then my other preferences at UTS, UNSW and macquarie will probably rise too high as well! Why'd it have to happen to our year! So yeah, if i can't get into...
  4. M

    How is everyone going?

    Like with most of my subjects - it all comes down to the questions in the actual exam. Some of the syllabus i know really well and i'd feel really confident if they asked me for it, other parts i wouldn't have a clue and i'd fail the damn thing.
  5. M

    assuming that there will be cuts to places @ usyd

    Awww crud, i wanna do law and if i can't do that, arts. The UAI cut-off can't rise, or else i won't be able to get in. How can 99.6 possibly get any higher anyway? And does that mean the lower law corses e.g. UTS, Macquarie etc will rise heaps too because there will be a bigger overflow of those...
  6. M

    17 Days Until Exam

    What are the essays on? The four general topics of the syllabus?
  7. M


    How many historians is enough? For sparta for instance, i know about 3 modern and maybe 6-7 ancient, but then they don't all talk about everything so depending on the question i can only use a few.
  8. M

    17 Days Until Exam

    I haven't done proper dot point notes for workplace or family, but if i have an essay plan for each with my issues chosen in relation to: 1. Legal issues and remedies 2. Morality, ethics and commitment to the law 3. Effectiveness of the law 4. Law Reform agencies and conditions which give...
  9. M

    Multiple Choice

    I haven't gone over the first 6 months prelim. work, i think the only stuff they can ask is stuff you'll probably vaguely remember in the exam, espicially when the answer is right there in front of you, e.g. how did equity develop? Most of it is revised in the HSC law and society topic.
  10. M

    3 Days left how do we "FEEL"

    That count down timer on the boredofstudies page doesn't help. I was all calm and then i saw the seconds ticking away and now i'm panicking!!!
  11. M


    i'd love to be in your position, i don't know much at all! Yeah they did helots in 2001 plus there's not much to say so i hope that's not the big 10 mark question. Religion/festivals is a big possibility. Lycurgus too cos he's never even been mentioned. They wouldn't do a big one on...
  12. M

    who's up 4 a band 6?

    It completely depends on the questions. Some questions i could get band 6, others i'd be lucky to score band 4.
  13. M

    take a guess at what he got..

    That's scary, i would've guessed he got a lot higher than 50. I guess scaling would've hurt a lot cos he was scoring low in badly scaled subjects.
  14. M


    I hope it's not on the cultural aspects - does anyone know anything about art - pottery and sculpture? I hate that dot point. For short answer, some possibilities might be -Describe a festival -Outline the role of apella/gerousia/ephoroi -Funeral rites of the kings -Death and burial...
  15. M

    Good Luck email

    hehe yeah i got one, ahhh they're so thoughtful aren't they!
  16. M

    Powerplay - Julius Caesar

    woah that's a pretty good explanation from someone who is not quite sure. i hate the topic, it seems so simple but when u try and write an essay on it its impossible to know what they want! its my worst topic. i think you've got it though, u just write about the techniques used to represent...
  17. M

    Possible questions for POwer Play?

    I reckon they'll give us a topic statement and say "discuss how this is represented" e.g. powerplay involves relationships at all levels, or powerplay is caused by many different motives etc Rather than something broad like last years question.
  18. M

    Legal measures

    In the syllabus it has suggestions for assessing the effectiveness, for both individuals and society... and yes they are enforceability, accessability, resource efficiency, etc etc Then you also bring in your own issues (with cases, legislation etc) to weigh them up against these criteria...
  19. M


    I remember it being in the multiple choice and i THINK the answer or the way to reduce institutionalised inequality was law reform or updating the laws - which means its NOT permanent, if the gov. addresses the issues
  20. M

    Can they ask for Specific Scenes/Passages

    lol how hard would that be! They could never do that, it wouldn't be fair and it would cause too many problems.