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  1. S

    Exam Bitching

    whoa.. nancy. that cartoon pic of you in your avatar looks unbelievabley like you. And your signature wheres wally shirt is there too. How'd you get that done as a cartoon?
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    Exam Bitching

    Hope everything will be ok for you Minai. I remember reading you're on a distinciton average atm? If it helps, the thought of putting marks against a bell curve might make you feel better :) as I know they do that for a few of my science subjects but I am unsure about commerce subs.
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    Top 200 ranked Universities in the world

    I thought the same thing too when I began reading this thread. I initially thought Melbournian's comments were in jest but his behaviour now embarrases and angers me. I seldom reply to these boards, but after reading this discussion through I am apalled at how pretentious people like melbournian...
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    how serious are they on the fail if no pass final policy

    Hi Nancy. I actually have my lab demonstrator on my msn and I asked her about how this works for you and she told me that in our chem course, if you fail within 45-49 they (Dr. Duffy and Dr. Roberts) will firstly look at 3 things to determine if you deserve pass conceded: 1. Your tutorial...
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    which uni????????????????????????????????

    I had to make a similar decision last year as my UAI was enough for me to get into either USYD or UNSW for med sci. Last year, the cutoffs for each were, from memory USYD ~94 and UNSW ~92. I chose UNSW for the really huge amount of flexibility in the subjects that you can choose and I loved the...
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    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    I know a bit about parking on campus so heres what I think may help. Parking fee's: There is minimal parking on campus. With that said, the little parking that is available is reserved for staff and PHD students. If you do intend to park on campus, it will cost you $2/hr with 4 hour...
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    whoa. what the hell.. hey Nancy.. how'd you find out about this?
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    nsw vs sydney med science?

    I agree with Lexicographer also. The major population of med sci students are looking to apply to a grad med posn. Survivor your "i know so many people in medsc and some wants to get into pharmacy, optometry" is terrible support for your argument. Coming from a degree in science, surely you...
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    next years timetables

    oh.. a master timetable? where can i get me one of those?
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    What DONT you like about YOUR uni

    unsw: -stairs -the ugly fountain -the endless amount of people asking you to go to: *go to med revue *buy krispy kreme donuts *go to cse revue *vote for some guy *join some society or group *..or this weeks new one: asking you if you do commerce so you can vote for some commerce people
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    Advance Science

    This has been brought up a few times before. Someone explained how its because UWS's degree was not at all popular so UWS reduced the amount of seats availabe in the course and as a result, the UAI requirement became insanley inflated because supply was reduced by so much (remember the...
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    parking @ unsw

    Thats what I always thought. I just assumed that big carpark near matthews was for teachers and staff only?
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    parking @ unsw

    wow.. really? thats a terrible system. Would anyone know off the top of their head how much a pass costs?
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    casoc office?

    Hi. I'm supposed to go to the Casoc (clubs and societices) office tomorrow but I have no idea where it is. I have checked the maps, uni campus maps and googled around and still no luck. If someone can give me some directions or landmarks. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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    parking @ unsw

    Parking in UNSW is really hard to come by. I find that the streets over near matthews building usually has some empty spots however I gave up on driving to uni. Parking isn't that bad though if you are prepared to walk 10-15 min (or longer). Things to watch out for though are those pesky 1 or...
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    paranoid GPA question

    yeh I figured as much.. thanks for the quick reply.. I'm soo pissed off!! hehehe dw I'm over it now.. Thanks though
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    paranoid GPA question

    Hi. I just received my final results and I got one 84 and one 74 (1 mark short of a HD and D respectivley) and this gives me a way lower GPA (if I had those two extra marks I'd get 0.5 extra GPA). I was wondering if there was any way of getting those marks or can you calculate the GPA using...
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    how's session 2?

    :vcross: I'm jealous.. I have 5 subjects this semester
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    Transfer Q's

    thats correct