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  1. S

    Favourite band(s)

    Hi, I just got really curious so I have to ask: what does bach and mozart being religious or christian have anything to do with Phanatical being a composer?
  2. S

    Gen Eds

    Your best bet would be to phone tech support of UNSW as they would be better suited to rectifying a problem such as this
  3. S

    2004 Session 2 - Results and WAM (4 UPDATES)

    I think you mean 6pm tonight (the 9th Dec) as its read that UNSW results come out via unimail on the 10th and on on the 11th but are e-mailed in the late afternoon on the 9th.
  4. S

    Favourite band(s)

    Some of you are really too up-tight these days. This is thread is done obviously in regalement. A moron would understand that the thread "a best band in the world" is only for dissipation and fun. Obviously it's all a matter of opinion and obviously, there is no "best band in the world" as...
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    Summer school is when you attend courses during the end of year break in uni which runs from about November to March. People usually take summer courses if they fail one or more subjects during the year and do not wish to repeat these courses again the next year. You can also take summer...
  6. S

    Favourite Character?

    Atticus from To Kill a Mocking bird written by Harper Lee. Close second is Frank Mc Court from Angela's Ashes written by the same man.
  7. S

    stephen king??what do you think of him??

    King is a very talanted and fertile storyteller. His horror novels always have amazed me in that I am left speechless and in awe at how one human mind can think up such twisted things. It's very impressive.
  8. S

    Favourite band(s)

    omg I was about to write this almost verbatim Yes I could not agree more. Pre 1985. You have it on the dot exactly. Led Zep and Beatles are the two greatest bands. I would have to say in my opinion, Lennon and McCartney are the two most talanted song writters ever to grace our world.
  9. S

    changing preferences overseas

    not unless you're going somewhere extremely remote. Just use the internet. If you're out of the country you can get someone else to do it manually over the phone. You need to have signed a declaration and sent it into UAC when you registered saying you're giving permission to someone to act...
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    I was planning to get my gen eds out of the way this summer but I'm just sitting back and taking it easy and looking for some work while I wait for next sem to start. Anyone else have that mantra after every year or semester "next semester i wont procrastinate! I'll do all my reading and work...
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    Gen Eds

    Hi Survivor. Just read your previous post on the GenEd you did. I had no idea they made the med ones so difficult. Do you mind telling me which one you did. Just out of interest and curiosity.
  12. S

    g (gravitational field vector)

    Just show by units of equations. i.e. Newtons 2nd law and looking at the units that define gravity. F=m.g => g=F/m (^-1) and g=dv/dt (ms^-2)
  13. S


    this is too good. An extremely terrible prank to play but very clever.
  14. S

    Gen Eds

    Oh I did it during normal session. Yes I have actually heard that summer session Astronomy is alot better. It's aparently a really popular GenEd btw as the 2 night viewing sessions really get people interested in it. I just got a little down as it rained both my viewing nights and it was...
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    Gen Eds

    If you want this then stay away from astronomy. GENS4001. I did it as my first first gened but suddenly thought there was quite alot of work involved for the for a 3UOC course but just accepted it as the norm. After making friends with lots of 2nd and 3rd yr studnets they all told me that the...
  16. S

    Which buses to unsw?

    depends on your definition of "far" :p nah not longer than 5-7 minutes to the quad. The "normal" services i.e. 391, 393, 395 all stop at the main entrance at the front so yes: they stop in front of the campus. With the express services i.e. 891 and 895, they stop along high street which...
  17. S

    Which buses to unsw?

    Take the 391, 393 or 395. If you go during the peak hours, there are express services at stand D, numbers 895 and 891. It'll cost $1.30 with a student card. Have fun.
  18. S

    New Uni rankings

    for some comments on this topic you might want to use the "search" facility as this topic/discussion/subject has been raised an enormous amount of times and discussed to the death.
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    Exam Bitching

    nice work nancy pants.
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    Who is doing a Science-related course @ UNSW next year?

    I would highly reccomend doing at least a bridging course I have just finished 1st year chem and I did not do a bridging course. For me.. chem was like hell but it wont be impossible to pass the course without doing a bridging course. I still managed to pull a distinction in the subject...