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  1. inasero

    weirdest food

    i'm pretty game but i don't think i could ever go near a half developed chicken fetus ugh...croc meat ftw! tastes like chicken
  2. inasero

    Workout/Gym Plan Questions

    gosh you have so many questions! i'll share with you what i've come across on the web - probably doesn't do much harm to do go to the gym everyday but you want to mix cardio with weights cos it's better for your overall health, and also you want to wait at least 48h before working out the...
  3. inasero

    One night loving - why not?

    hey NTB what is it with your Garfield sig whenever I see it I'm like "huh wtf was that all about?"
  4. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    i don't think there's any one single way of going about the issue since it's so complicated- but all the suggestions are worthwhile and complement each other but basically three main things: 1) we need to address people attitudes- that it's not okay to be overweight and it's a "health hazard"...
  5. inasero

    weirdest food

    has a very bland taste to it actually, i can never tell cos it always seems to absorb the flavours of the dish it's cooked with! the consistency is really soft, like jelly except a bit more chewy
  6. inasero

    weirdest food

    pics? oh and i forgot to mention- sea cucumber!
  7. inasero

    weirdest food

    so, what are the weirdest foods you've tried? for me- bird's nest (actually made of swallow saliva), and dog meat stew in Korea
  8. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    good one! any preventive health gets points in my books
  9. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    what does your work with the health department involve?
  10. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    in light of the interesting turn this thread's taken, and to answer the original post, maybe we should do more to educate the public and raise awareness regarding what defines obesity, the causes and effects. chuck in a few stats for good measure, numbers always seem to scare people :)
  11. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    if you worked in the health system, you would realise just how much of our modern illnesses are due to the same things causing obesity, namely a poor diet, not enough exercise, stressful work place conditions, smoking, drinking etc.
  12. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    Look guys please let's keep it civilised- zimmerman stop posting vitriolic ranting unless you have something productive to add. Same goes for you jb. Student mum- nobody's loathing overweight people as such, we're just having an educated discussion about the obesity problem at hand, and I think...
  13. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    Actually cancer is preventable to a certain extent- lung cancer, by taking adequte occupational precautions and not smoking, skin cancer by regular checks and protecting yourself, bowel cancer by eating less red meat and getting screened, breast and prostate cancer by getting screened, pretty...
  14. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    katie good of you to bring up the true impact these lifestyle diseases have on our community- i mean you look at the top causes of death we're talking about heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, cancers- see the common thread?
  15. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    Look I understand your sentiment and that's an entirely valid point, but you see the risk of skydiving and swimming with sharks is much, MUCH lower than obesity. Not to mention that people don't have any control over getting bitten by a shark or their parachute failing, whereas overweight people...
  16. inasero

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    haha i know I'm terrible but I have little tolerance for people who are overweight- to a certain extent people need to be responsible for their health and make opportunities to lose weight rather than waiting for others to hand it to them on a silver platter (pardon the pun). but on the other...
  17. inasero

    medical students,23599,23119799-13762,00.html causation or association? :P
  18. inasero

    Australian Open

    awww man poor tsonga...i really thought he could win especially after the first set but then it all strated going downhill with all his unforced errors...should do well in future opens
  19. inasero

    2008 Medicine roll call

    Re: 2009 Medicine roll call Monash Intermitted 5th year to do BMedSc by research.
  20. inasero

    2008 Medicine roll call

    In the interests of seeing where everyone's from and to help users search for other members if they have a query- post your uni and year of studies here. Please reserve irrelevant discussion for other threads, thanks!