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  1. K


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    a b scans

    where are A B and sector scans used i wnt actual places or examples plz
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    its due to reflection when ultrasound moves from one interface to another ie experience a large change in acoustic impedence it is reflected this reflection causes scattreing of the ultrasound
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    i have a test in two days and hve a few quest 1 is current a measure of drift velocity if so plz xplain i just dnt get it 2 do you have t know how a transistor works , cnt c it in syllabus 3are phonons positive if no then why do they make it possible for a cooper pair to form despite both...
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    Hole movement

    its because electrons have to move between adjacent conduction bands wheras hole have to move from one atom to the other
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    to all the med ppl here did uz get in first shot or through the back doors n plz somone tell em wat do i do about the umat i fell scared with the notion of going in without any preperation Ps please notify me of any backdoor/ easier way of getting into med ie possible transfers
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    4 unit and scaling

    sorry to go a bit off track here but i also have a dilema i sat the 2u hsc last year when i was in year 11 and scored 93 now i am in year 12 and im doing 4u, is there any chance my 2u mark would be taken into concideration if i stuff up in the 4u this year
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    when did everyone start their 4 unit course?

    excuse me ashtor but who told u to but in with all ur jibberish trying to put up a frnt with ur formal langauge, that wont work ere i was flicking throught he physics forum and it seems u seem to put up the same front over there ar well, funny how its all students from our skool engaging in...
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    when did everyone start their 4 unit course?

    i regret to admit thatis corect however za dont forget u were a very close 2nd last
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    when did everyone start their 4 unit course?

    we strted term1 this yr n finished the syllabus excluding 3u advanced we have 5 hrs of 4u a week n 5 hrs of 3u so all u maf geeks beware our skool is gonna kik ur ass
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    Question on equil knost etc

    shouldnt it be 0.12^2/[0.06][0.06] giving 1/25 therefore k<1 and more product will be made hence equilibrium shifts to the right
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    Fitzpatrick Solutions

    32 c dun wrry no noe from my skool could 32 c either
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    i beg to differ with ur attitude wahashtini u seem to pik on those who no les than you, by the way the manner u use to classify soft and hard x rays are not appropraite as they vary according to the place or method tyhey are being used in, i ma sure there are instances wher soft xrays would be...
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    uv catastrophe

    ashtor , ive recently been folowing ur responses and have found thta they are not only misleading but also insignificant i do not mena to discourage you either, i feel as though you engage in thoughtless conversations and unfortunately i have been dragged down by one of these as well. however...
  15. K


    sorry to interupt but isnt it the other way round first a depletion zone occcurs so the n type develops a wall of positive cahrges and p type develops a wall of negative charges. this is before anything happens. then when sunlight hits an electon is excited from the p type negative wall and...
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    uv catastrophe

    i completely agree with you elachker however the realms we must persue must be realistic we have a set time to complete the sylllabus unfortunatelly we havent got time to i ndulge in the which is beyond the relams of our syllabus
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    Stopping voltage

    ashtor and snoop i think u have been giving misleading info the lenard expt clearly shows that an external stopping voltage is applpied to sto pphotoelectron flow the stoppage of the elctron flow can be plotted on a graph this graoh can then be extrapolated to the x axis giving the stopping...
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    planck/ einstein

    could someone pleas tell me a straight forward answer to how einstein supported plancks theory please dnt beat around the bush im having trouble getting a straight answer out of anyboday everyone seems to make farfetched links
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    i cant be bothered explaining either but its got something to do with depletion zones where the n type swaps its electrons with the holes in the p type this forms two barriers in each side ( hypothetically speaking) a large negative wall in the p type and a positive wall in the n type. this is...
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    uv catastrophe

    thnx for the help by the way would u know how the quantum theory explains the shape of the graphs obtained or would thta be beyond the realms of our syllabus