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  1. bahodl

    can i please get a uai estimation.

    hey josh that you? hows the study goin?
  2. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    yeah all in all i don't think it will matter too much but i know that when i read ppls essays i instinctively proofread and correct spelling etc. so maybe that will get to some markers more than others - they're paid to be objective though
  3. bahodl

    Creative Writing Question

    they were referring to anything - a stimulus just as in - anything that triggers the memory
  4. bahodl

    Creative Writing Question

    interesting.... I wonder if our school bought/illegally borrowed yours - we're just a normal pub. school
  5. bahodl

    Creative Writing Question

    'Write a letter to a friend in which you talk about how a journey into memory is triggered for you. This journey may be triggered by any stimulus.' That was our trial question. A bit weird but hey
  6. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    yeah like it doesnt mean be verbose but yeah
  7. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    yeah they changed the apostrophe thing a while ago so that when you were talking about a dog and u said 'its tail' it had no apostrophe cause it was too confused with 'it's a nice day' so now its basically only when you shorten 'it is' :S
  8. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    that's not necessarily true I think one of the guidelines for band 6 is that you use sophisticated language
  9. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    yeah there are heaps of little things like that, and it really is a shame if it proves to be the beginning of the decay of english. All of it is really interesting if not a little sad, but some people simply say its the evolution of the language - even correct grammar that we should have now...
  10. bahodl

    What is that frontline quote...?

    oh yeah its so much easier than the other 2 modules - its actually straightforward lol
  11. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    yeah your right - ppl now always say 'different to' instead of 'different from' and countless other things that have just become common. I guess it's just the evolution (decay) of english
  12. bahodl

    Do Not Look In Here Unless You Are Ready!!!

    gordo i kinda agree with you to an extent. I was lucky to be taught english grammar extensively in primary school and i find people doing ext 2 english at school who cant even tell the dif between a verb and a noun, adjective and an adverb etc. cause they never learned it. Between bad grammar...
  13. bahodl

    Old Kingdom Egypt: Historical Period

    Hey everybody our class did Old Kingdom Egypt as both an ancient society and an historical period, but we never got to finish the historical period so we have almost no information on it. If anybody has any spare info or links to info (ive done a bit of rummaging on the net but cant find much)...
  14. bahodl

    What is that frontline quote...?

    Mike: What have you done to my story? Brian: We kept the factory shots. Mike: You've turned it into an ad for Sportsgirl! You've massacred my story. hope that helps :)
  15. bahodl

    Supplementary Material: Crime Fiction

    suberting genre: Murder by Death - directed by Neil Simon Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - Oscar Wilde
  16. bahodl

    Appeasement historians

    some more other than taylor churchill and cato are d c watt "War Games" - he gives a more modern viewpoint and martin gilbert, paul kennedy and r a c parker are handy
  17. bahodl

    origins of appeasement

    hey belle whats ur email ill send u some notes
  18. bahodl

    Is Anyone Here Doing Appeasement?????

    yep we're doin appeasement our trial is on monday - tsa bit scary aye
  19. bahodl

    What casestudy r ppl doing in class?

    hey yeah weve been doing ajp taylor, and weve also down a bit on cowling, kennedy, and one other guy that ive forgotten :) hehehe (lol btw as i said b4 im also doin appeasment)