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  1. *mel*

    Anyone doing teaching?

    Bachelor of Primary Education at either UTS or USyd... Where should I go, guys? Helpppp!
  2. *mel*

    All Saints

    Ok I really need to complain. Obviously it's going to be Kerry that gets murdered next week, because I read in the TV week that she doesn't show up to the wedding. Poor Nelson. Why do they always have to make bad stuff happen to him? I liked it that he has someone that makes him happy. And...
  3. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

    Ok I'm hoping that there is no truth to this... but my best friend just told me that she heard on the radio this morning (on TodayFM or something...) that there was some problem with the votes. Apparently some people who tried to vote for Daniel via SMS received messages back saying that it...
  4. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

  5. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

    I reckon yesterday's show was awesome. Kate - what a legend... I thought her performance was great, and that was even before I heard her voice at the end. Anyone who can sing like that when they can hardly talk is amazing! Lee - I love Lee, but to be honest, I reckon he should be the next...
  6. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

    I know!! I can't believe it! WHY THE HELL IS DANIEL SPILLANE STILL THERE!??? So his performance was better than usual... it was still shitty!!! Usually I only vote for my 2 or 3 favourites, but this week I voted for EVERYONE except Daniel. Fat lotta good that did... poor Anne. She was SO...
  7. *mel*

    All Saints

    Yeah Mitch going was sadder than Terri going! And hell yeah Dan and Jess should hook up! But knowing TV... they're gonna drag it out. You know, there will be moments when it looks like they're going to kiss but then something will stop them or something like that.
  8. *mel*

    Section II

    Omg!! Me too!! Well 10 and a bit... but that's the same thing. Which topic did you pick? I did it on violence, peace and war.
  9. *mel*

    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    I shall leave it to you then. :D
  10. *mel*

    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    I'll do it if no one else is doing it...
  11. *mel*

    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    Aah ok. And I couldn't decide whether to put A or D for question 9....
  12. *mel*

    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    Yeah!! That's the one I didn't know either. I put A for it (about supporting Britain) but now I reckon it's wrong. Quite a few people at my school put D... whatever that was.
  13. *mel*

    How many booklets

    Really? You thought it sucked? I thought it was pretty good for individuals and work. What right did you write about. And the management strategies for workplace and family roles -- that's like the only question they ever give for 15 marks. Aww i bet you did well anyway. :)
  14. *mel*

    Multiple Choice

    Looks like everyone got just about the same thing for all the questions except 3 and 8. Well we can all look forward to getting 8 - 10/10. Not bad, don't you reckon?
  15. *mel*

    How many booklets

    I did two booklets for Question 15 (the second one wasn't full... no way), one for Question 16 (I just couldn't bullshit any more about that stupid rights and responsibilities crap) and two for Question 19 (also not full.) It was weird... only one other girl in my class asked for another booklet...
  16. *mel*

    Multiple Choice

    Alrighty I got: 1) C 2) D 3) A - but looking back at it i think I shoulda put D? 4) D 5) B 6) C 7) A 8) A - health and wellbeing... I don't know... 9) B 10) A
  17. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

    It was not just an apology. It was an amazing, original performance and he deserved that touchdown 100%! Go Lee!!
  18. *mel*

    General Thoughts

    Pretty good exam, I thought. I agree about the rights and resposibilities of parents and carers question - I thought that was really ambiguous. We've never really done anything like that before in class, and I'm certain my answer won't get the full 15 marks. I know for sure that I also lost a...
  19. *mel*

    Australian Idol 2005

    I KNOW! I still can't grasp the concept of him actually STILL being there! I chucked a shitty when they sent him back to the couch and left Emily (like, wft?!?) and James as the bottom two. I swear I was about to cry... he really really HAS to go! AHHH I feel so strongly about this! GRRR! Poor...
  20. *mel*

    1st millionare on who wants to be a millionare

    twinnnnnny!! *hugs* how are you?? I watched it too and I was sooo happy for him. It was good for something happy to happen after watching idol :( :(. How did you go today? Bet you killed it. Yay we have CAFS tomorrow!