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  1. sideshowtim

    scaling for general maths

    high 90's i suppose.
  2. sideshowtim

    Biggest Distraction!!

    cricket and music
  3. sideshowtim

    The Stress is Overrated

    laid back effort? you stupid, stupid fuck. i am studying hard but i'm not letting the pressure get to me. are you trying to say that you HAVE to be stressed to do well in the hsc? if i get the mark i want i'll be happy with that.
  4. sideshowtim

    ICC Champions Trophy

    He'll be fine, he had gastritis but it has now passed.
  5. sideshowtim

    Your thoughts on the exam

    I thought you had to use the source for that effects of the event question. I think I put it caused some who were afraid of death to "invoke it" upon themselves (reference to what pliny wrote) and that it caused people to "cry" and "wail" or something or whatever it was. either way, i thought...
  6. sideshowtim


    regrets are for fools. move on, the future is what matters, not the past.
  7. sideshowtim

    The Stress is Overrated

    seriously. when i came into the hsc i thought this was going to be the most stressful time of my life. it's been quite enjoyable for me actually. i keep hearing about how this is the hardest time of your life but over the last few weeks i've learnt alot, done pretty well in my exams and i'm...
  8. sideshowtim

    Why was Spartan women 10 marks?

    Yes. I really think the importance of women in Sparta is over-stressed and not as big as everyone makes it out to be. Yeah okay, they gave birth to Spartiates but grr...just makes me mad that they are saying "the women of sparta were significant. why?". you couldn't really argue against it but...
  9. sideshowtim

    Why was Spartan women 10 marks?

    what does dress styles and other neighbourhood states have to do with their significance to sparta?
  10. sideshowtim

    Why was Spartan women 10 marks?

    yeah i crapped on about how they had to bear a strong child...then spoke a little about how they taught the younger girls music and shit like that...thought it was worth 6 or 8.
  11. sideshowtim

    Your thoughts on the exam

    Pretty good paper. Pompeii was alright except that food question...what the fuck ninja? Sparta was fine, generic questions. Hatshepsut - Slaughtered the how she became pharaoh one, had read heaps on divine birth/coronation etc the night before Er the one on foreign policy was a little weird but...
  12. sideshowtim

    The Official Cricket Thread 2006/2007

    Mate, Bevan is 36...Older than everyone in our team besides Warney and McGrath... These players have something that those younger blokes like Jaques and Clarke don't have...EXPERIENCE. And experience is vital in an Ashes series like this. These guys have won Ashes series before and know what it...
  13. sideshowtim

    ICC Champions Trophy

    Watto is a good opener. He handles the swinging ball better than anyone else and he needs more than 2 chances at the top of the order. I think that we'll beat India. Our pace attack is fucking strong as anything. Lee, McGrath, Johnson, Bracken and Watson with Symo and Clarkey bowling part...
  14. sideshowtim

    How was your hand?

    Let's just say I won't be getting lucky tonight.
  15. sideshowtim

    Did you finish on time?

    I did with about 5 seconds to go.
  16. sideshowtim

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    I'm not sure If I did it correctly, I spoke about the first and the last scene. I spoke about Welles ability to shape our opinion of Kane from the use of the camera angles and for instance the "no trespassing" sign, which induces us to believe that the protagonist is a very private man from one...
  17. sideshowtim

    How many pages did you write? [Merged]

    Re: How many pages did you write? 5 for each. I have tiny writing. about 11 words per line though, so that's about a 1,000 word essay for each.
  18. sideshowtim

    Which modules did you find hard?

    Yeah mine was about history and memory...I was glad they didn't ask for for and against because it let me conclude that the composers acknowledged that while the interplay between history and memory was important, memory contains an emotional element that history doesnt;.
  19. sideshowtim

    General Thoughts: English Adv. Paper 2 (Modules)

    I think it's really hard to compose a well structured essay when you have such little time to do in it. You have no time to think really you've just gotta be writing for 40 minutes.