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  1. C

    Ancient, Sparta,Fall of Roman republic, Caesar

    I can tutor you on it if you need it! Email me!
  2. C

    HELP!! Notes needed DESPARATELY!!!!

    If you can find the old Excel Ancient History book (really thick, has topics not featured now) it has more detailed info which I found more helpful than the new one.
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    persian wars

    I wouldn't say that one was more responsible than the other: that's a trick question. I reckon you should divide the essay up into the ways in which the Athenians and the Spartans were helpful, and in that way cover the most information. A book I would recommend is Bury and Meiggs "A History...
  4. C

    dropping ancient..

    Ancient scales up. It's fun, it's not too hard (but then again I also did Extension German, Extension History, and Extension 2 English...), and if you're coming first you'll scale really well. Ancient made the difference between me getting in to Sydney Uni and ANU (my second choice versus my...
  5. C

    Writing Ancient History Notes!

    Have a look at the Macquarie Study Guide, it's great for a summary- write notes from that if you can get it. To get to know your stuff I recommend reading the relevant parts of your ancient sources (e.g. Greece 500-440 Herodotos, Fall of the Roman Republic Caesar, Suetonius and Plutarch) and...
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    Fall of the Roman Republic - Crassus

    Plutarch is very good, Suetonius writes a little about him from memory. With Crassus you need to extrapolate all you can from the little that you have.
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    help! persian attack->greece 490 due 2moro!

    They needed more land constantly because they were a herding culture, but that's not the whole story. They also wanted to get back at the Athenians because of what happened when the Spartans tried to take over (known as the Athenian Revolt, before this time period, but good background). The...
  8. C

    Anyone just given up on Ancient?

    I loved Ancient and it was my second highest subject (90- not bad). I still do it at uni (in fact 3/4 of my subjects are Ancient related- Ancient History, Ancient Greek-the language-, and Classical Civilisation),
  9. C

    Ancient History People

    Past student (HSC 2003): helping out where I can. Last year I did: Greece 500-440 Myceanaean Society Julius Caesar The Fall of the Roman Republic This year at uni I've done the Archaic Period in Greece (roughly 800-500), and I'm doing the early Julio Claudians (Augustus, Tiberius...
  10. C

    Footnoting ancient essays

    Not during the HSC or in a timed assessment task, but for handing something in it's still a must. When you borrow someone's idea (either a quote or their idea that you haven't made your own through changing the words and/or combining with other ideas), put in a footnote after the idea. There...
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    Plutarch Thucydides

    Plutarch: doesn't really understand the times because he lived so far afterwards. Also he moulded his Nine Greek Lives and Nine Roman Lives to fit each other: therefore the facts are a bit dodgy. Also he's a real moraliser (writes didactic history) and therefore everyone's either really good...