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  1. AK Gumbi

    can you achieve a high uai if you stuff up your first assessments?

    yana, i got 50% for my first physics assessment, and I had 'slip-ups' in a number of my internal assessments. The real trick is to do really well in the half-yearlies and Trials (and of course the HSC exams), because they generally count the most. So dont worry if u stuff up a few assessments...
  2. AK Gumbi

    Open Ended Investigation

    You may probably also want to add a 'risk assessment' section where u basically discuss the risks involved, ways to prevent them, and what to do if the risk does occur. You could probably include it after ur discussion.
  3. AK Gumbi

    which elective???

    I did Genetics- 'The Code Broken?', hehe sounds snazzy :p Anyways, i found it heaps helpful in regards to answering Qs from the Core in the 'Blueprint of Life' topic. Especially in this year's paper, where like 60% of the core was just on genetics, i jus used basically all my knowledge from the...
  4. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    And if u basically get the first 4 Qs out, error free (harder than it sounds), u should have around the average mark in 4U, and u dont have to even attempt the next 4 (altho it is recommended u do so :))
  5. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    I dont know abt u guys, but i always found studying a new topic in maths by myself was nearly impossible. I reckon, maths is one of those few subjects for me, in which if i dont have a teacher or tutor, im totally screwed :).
  6. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    Im not quite sure if i get u there, Lobster...? Using projectiles, u derive all the normal eqns, and then do a number of simultaneous eqns, and substitutions, and then finally arrive at the answer (i cant remember exactly how many because i did it like 6months ago :)). But my soln is quite...
  7. AK Gumbi

    is it worth it?

    I reckon the two best tbooks are 'Physics Contexts 2' and Jacaranda. Although i must caution u, Contexts has quite a few mistakes, and so if something doesn't look right, ask ur teacher or confirm with Jacaranda. IMO, summary books/'revision in a month books' arent useful because they may only...
  8. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    The bird question is actually quite easy if u think about it logically (i.e if u really understand parabolas and their properties) But doing it the projectile way, it is damn long and tedious...but nevertheless, fun!!! :D
  9. AK Gumbi

    What do u know?

    All i did was just go through my two tbooks (Jac and Contexts) and my school workbook, and just tick of the dotpoints as i read all three.
  10. AK Gumbi

    Raw ext 2 marks

    Yeah i think mid 90s is an excellent mark (maybe top 5% in the state)
  11. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    hehe yeah thats the one. Took me like 3 hours and finally ended up with 3 full pages of working... and then my maths tutor did it in 5 minutes with 3 lines of working. :( :D
  12. AK Gumbi

    What do u know?

    Mazza, i would suggest u start revising soon...because once school starts, its going to be pretty hard to revise previous work (well, actually it's really going to depend on ur workload). But i think before getting into MG (the topic i found the most tedious), it's better to be on top of ur...
  13. AK Gumbi

    chem txtbooks?

    End Point: Where the indicator changes colour Equivalence Point: Point where the reactants are in their mole ratios (I think) Someone correct me if im worng...havent done chem in two months :? edit: You always try to get the end point as close as possible to the equivilance point, and so...
  14. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    Yes, that's exactly what i thought...but i wouldn't solely go by this. Practicing a number of 3U papers is essential and also do a lot of problems from the 3U Fitzpatrick book (ahhhh damn the bird Q!). :)
  15. AK Gumbi

    premier's award ceremony thingamy

    I would say around 98.5...
  16. AK Gumbi

    Getting 100 is possible right?

    My piece of advice is don't underestimate 3U!!! Sure, it's easier than 4U, but Q6 and Q7 of 3U, is equivilant to around Q5-Q6 of 4U...and trust me, they aren't that easy! That was my biggest mistake, my greatest incorrect assumption about the 3U paper and i did pay for it. I would say, in terms...
  17. AK Gumbi

    predicted UAIs and interviews

    i would say around 150
  18. AK Gumbi

    skool stress

    Plan and organise your time and subjects. I always found outlining what i had to do in that day really helpful. I also outlined what i had to study for each subject and then put all this on a time-line. It's pretty helpful, but it still dint prevent me from cramming. :)
  19. AK Gumbi

    Year 12 2004!

    hehe nice call, freaking_out :D
  20. AK Gumbi

    Year 12 2004!

    hehe no problem Fashionista. u can post up ur questions in the respective threads or u can pm me. Im happy to help!!! :)