Search results

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    Macq social life

    Look at it this way, you're no longer a child who needs to be told what to do, and while you might deem it not 'disturbing' anything, if you miss an important point using your phone, then have to waste everyone else's time in the tutorial asking what you missed, then it becomes not only...
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    People Planet Units

    Rofl that's such a stupid process, how are you going to know which subject to choose/when you're going to do it, or are they forcing you to do it in first year :\ Another "welcome to macquarie" moment *facepalm*
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    People Planet Units

    You don't have to nominate your people/planet unit to anyone afaik, it is taken into account at the end of the degree.
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    It's all dependent on subject and convener, this is not the standard, it is simply an option
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    Macq social life

    And more likely than not, they'll follow you throughout every subject...*shudder*
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    When is Orientation Week?

    Are you a First Year student? Yes: Academic Orientations will be taking place during the week prior to semester starting 22nd-24th. No: Orientation Week (O-Week) will commence the first week of semester.
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    What is extracurricular/social life like at MACQ?

    Think I answered this in your other thread, social life does exist on campus and quite a fair bit but its up to the individual student to get involved with it if you really want to.
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    Are there role calls at Orientation Day?

    Names will indeed be marked off, been busy training Mentor Leaders sorry! Most sessions are almost fully booked out and all but one of the Orientation Days will be full every day. If you have any issues with workshops or the Orientation sessions themselves, send an email detailing your issue to...
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    Bachelor of Arts with Dip Ed. instead of Bachelor of Science with Dip Ed.

    When you're talking to your academic advisor, tell them of your intention to transfer and the reason you've chosen the Biology path (check out the BSciDipEd major rather than the arts one). In all honesty, you don't need to really worry about your major at this stage, its only really calculated...
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    On Campus Enrolment..

    Most students are usually day time students so I don't foresee you'll find much difficulty in getting night classes. As for the prep/advising it should be fairly straightforward, and the orientation is more designed to hook you up with a Mentor who will be your contact point in case you need...
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    Student Services and Amenities Fee

    Re: Wut? Help. Nothing comes for free, and most student services/unions run at a massive loss but provide a great service that most students will never even know about or think about.
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    For those who got an offer into combined law, what was your ATAR?

    Most likely if you haven't previously gotten in, then they wouldn't be taking people below the cut-off. The main reason they would be taking people under would be that there wasn't the demand they expected and thus wanted to fill those spots. With places de-regulated this year, its a whole new...
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    No Lecture for AHIS140?

    Macquarie probably does need to resource a bit better than it's doing at the moment, but the individual Arts departments don't do themselves a huge favour from what I've seen in terms of using their resources in a smart fashion either, so I don't think the debts were totally unexpected.
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    No Lecture for AHIS140?

    Bit of blame on both sides this time, not really privy to the entire situation so I'm loathe to comment on it too far
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    Student Services and Amenities Fee

    Re: Wut? Help. Another example of the ATAR not being a good indicator of intelligence. Yeah fuck you Ed Miliband.. I mean whut?
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    No Lecture for AHIS140?

    The entire arts faculty from what I've heard will be doing some sort of class cutting
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    Help with foundation units

    Typically foundation units are done first, thus their name, as they serve as the basis for your future units (either philosophically or as pre-requisites). It will depend on the other units and whether the pre-requisite is the foundation unit if you want to delay it.
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    For those who got an offer into combined law, what was your ATAR?

    lol what, you can't demand that information of people.
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    Arts & Human Sciences Subject Review Thread

    Haha yeah, definitely wasn't aimed at you :) Just as a more rigorous process, perhaps even if they were submitted to the mod and verified and 'cleaned' before being put up, it might even be better.
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    Arts & Human Sciences Subject Review Thread

    Perhaps developing some sort of rubric to create consistent and less subjective reviews are in order? We don't want people slagging people off but that information may still be important: "X lecturer was shit" vs "The lectures were difficult to follow due to a, b, c" </teacher>