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    How many units?

    I am with Gangles. Though I have a bus ride that takes me one and a half hours which is only a twenty minute trip if you go direct. So I find that, transportation another reason I decide earlier is better otherwise by the time I got home it would be quite late.
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    How much time?

    I find for me I just do study and homework. By the time I finish some of it or what I wanted to achieve that day I have spent like three hours plus easily. Though I seem to have a large workload in comparison to my fellow students at the school.
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    How much time?

    I know that feeling. I finished my ancient this morning. Done like a 7 pages of answers to questions. I find I have alot more English Homework then any other subject by far.
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    How many units?

    I go to a school at the Central Coast. So your idea of Sydney for me is incorrect. Plus the school isnt private either so thats that idea for me out as well. I could just imagine my school doing an early extension class at 6 am in the morning.
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    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    That would be helpful to get. Immensly in the view of costs.
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    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    I was looking at doing at the University of Newcastle at Ourimbah campus as it is relatively close. Though I am aiming at the highest possible UAI I can achieve so I can keep my options open and even possibly attend a better university.
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    how much do internal assesments really count?? plus other random questions

    Isn't that unfair for students that attend larger schools as they are ranked against alot more fellow students?
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    How many units?

    Man, you guys are lucky school starts for me at 8 am normally. Then I have extension after school for 2 hours.
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    How many units?

    Just curious... what time does your school start normally and what time does it start when you have 4u math in the morning?
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    how much do internal assesments really count?? plus other random questions

    Thats what kind of throws me. Its your ranks that matter. Do you mean your rank in the subject at the school or your rank in the entire state?
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    How many units?

    I have 13 units. I have no free-periods and even attend after school classes for my extension.
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    What marks are you seeking to achieve in 2007?

    I need a UAI of 83.15 to do a Bachelor of Architecture.
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    Welcome Class of 2007

    Thinking that way makes me so more freaked out. Yet I can't help but think that. It is alot of pressure for us, though you notice the average don't overly care yet I bet they would later. Though those who do care and want to succeed add so much more pressure upon themselves.
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    Assessment Block 1: Marks, Ranks and thoughts. :)

    That sounds like a good plan. Much like mine infact, so nice to know that I am thinking similar to someone else. I amy actually this year as well do practice exams from this site for the half-yearlies so I can see what I have not covered and maybe need to.
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    Assessment Block 1: Marks, Ranks and thoughts. :)

    It really is quite daunting. That they are quite close I find this year there seems to be to little time to do all the things I wish to complete.
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    Welcome Class of 2007

    Thanks for the dates. It is kind of scary to look at the dates and notice that it is coming around and this time, I will be the one sitting there doing the HSC.
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    Assessment Block 1: Marks, Ranks and thoughts. :)

    I can't think of them next holidays for me they are next term weeks 9 & 10. Then we have holidays.
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    Does anyone know an experiment to measure the value for gravity's acceleration???

    Yeah I have as well. It is the one we used as it was the one as a syllabus dot-point.
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    Assessment Block 1: Marks, Ranks and thoughts. :)

    True. I am trying to think of all I can do know to help with when it comes around. I am sure it will be here before I know it.
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    Assessment Block 1: Marks, Ranks and thoughts. :)

    Thanks very much Gangles.Mcgee :) Curious what I got with my physics one but oh well. Everyone feeling confident about their half-yearly exams?