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  1. G


    Not long at all.. :|
  2. G

    Results countdown

    Only 20 hours and 12 minutes to go.. :|
  3. G

    Section I: Part B - Short Answer Responses

    For that keplers one, i think the r cubed comes into play.
  4. G

    All ready?

    Mang, so ready to pwn chemistry. Like disembowel.
  5. G

    Marking of options?

    How are the options marked? If you consider that the HSC aims to place all students in the course on an equal playing field, how do they mark each option without recognising the potential for relative differences in difficulty for each of them? Hmm.
  6. G

    Genetics option

    Yeah, my text book for genetics, has this special introductory part thats sort of like the syllabus. It pretty much talks about all those questions and stuff about processing data and justifying research procedures and validity etc. So thats essentially where that question comes from..
  7. G

    Guys,how do u study chem?

    Focus on getting the longer questions right. Get them done perfectly and early and out of the way. They never change them so its all good. Then you can just focus on understanding the fundamentals and fine tuning your answers over the course of the year. You cant bludge for chem but i reckon...
  8. G


    A:Mutations generally result in the alteration of the base sequence of DNA. The mutations can result in the removal, the replacement or destruction of certain sections of bases. The altered base sequences now code for new information, that generally is not naturally occuring. The previous...
  9. G

    Itw Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For bladerunner and brave new world, all you have to talk about is how nature has been degraded/removed/marginalized/etc in the two texts. Discuss how this changes or affects the 'humanity' of the characters. These are the values presented or the points raised in the text. Remember its a...
  10. G

    Itw Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Become at peace with the wild, then you shall realise its importance /bullshit
  11. G

    physics help .. URGENT

    Yeah use suvat for this shiz. a) Find Delta s for y b) Find delta s for x c) use the final velocity equation
  12. G

    Section I- Text 3- "The poem"

    I reckon it was more along the lines of the memory of the old Darwin is being phased out as it is renewed with buildings and stuff. Memories can exist as both visual and in the form of smell.
  13. G

    why does society put so much emphasis on the hsc.

    Why does society put so much emphasis on outdoing everyone else in every field? If you dont achieve then what do you have to show for yourself? Its just how it is, lame but true
  14. G

    2008 Excel Physics?

    Yeah bro, i have had mine since before trials. They are quite helpful but not detailed enough to be your only text book. And yes they do cover every dotpoint in the syllabus but not always very well.
  15. G

    Raw marks?

    Yeah, so you can get an idea of the level that a band 5 -6 is at.
  16. G

    Prempt the Questions Thread

    Im sweet for pretty much everything cept a bit of shipwrecks and ion identification. Ive heard the Board is leaning to testing more on validity... etc Worst scenario would be an 8 marker on experimental method, identifying variables and shiz like that.
  17. G

    What will be asked this year?

    I reckon something relevant about Equine flu or some bs disease like that and possibly something about ethics into the future(as usual)
  18. G

    Ranking effect???

    Kind of. The mean i think of the total exam marks must equal the total of the moderated assessment marks and therefore its not so much relative gaps.
  19. G

    Raw marks?

    This is from the technical arcana section. Raw and Aligned marks for 2003 Chemistry. Aligned ----- Raw 80/100 (62-63)/100 70/100 (48-50)/100