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  1. twilight1412


    airie we got lucky ^^ the syllabs changed after our year for various subjects so theres some stuff there that we havent done before
  2. twilight1412

    Who do you think is gonna get the highest mark?

    i have no idea who these people are ive been a member for a while and didnt realise there was a forum .. so i guess i'll be here for a while .... 4U
  3. twilight1412

    Revising subject choices... help

    umm actually alot of it is understanding based alot of subjects are take physics for example even though there is alot of math in it it is the concept you have to understand and where all the formulas come from as well as how to put them together to get what you need for me PHYSICS Chemistry...
  4. twilight1412

    Acceleration due to gravity in Projectile motions

    if you didnt get it from my explanation then i'll explain it again >< IF AND ONLY IF he assigns down as the positive direction then gravity would also be positive ask your teacher if you dont believe me ... its true ^^
  5. twilight1412

    Acceleration due to gravity in Projectile motions

    geez >< i need to work on better explanations if i wanna do good in hsc next year ......
  6. twilight1412

    HELP!! Method of sections/joints

    section - what something looks like if you cut it from A to B (they will label it) usually fill in whatever has been cut through with lines at an angle of 45 with even spacing also webs are not filled never ever joints well cant help you here i havent learnt it yet =P
  7. twilight1412


    the working out seems ok to me ... btw can you clarify something for me.. in chemistry its the working out thats important ..... so if you write you answer as 1 will it be considered a calculation error? and if you use that one to work out your next answer would that be a carry on error? would...
  8. twilight1412

    Acceleration due to gravity in Projectile motions

    no your wrong its not always against the positive direction its just conventional to take up as the positive direction but if you took down as the positive direction then acceleration would be positive as well first think about a car moving in a straight line if it was moving to the right then...
  9. twilight1412

    Calculus Question

    quotient rule u = top v = bottom ' = derivative vu' + uv' ----------- v^2 to get the derivatives you may need to combine rules in your case the chain rule for the bottom ><
  10. twilight1412

    a projecile problem

    delta y in this case seems to be displacement remember displacement and distance are 2 different things i think thats the maths formula heres the physics one similar but clearer s = (1/2)at^2 + ut a = acceleration which in this case in gravitational u = inital velocity s = displacement of...
  11. twilight1412

    a projecile problem

    ive never seen this formula before where did you get it? u.sin(angle) = vertical velocity vertical velocity/ gravitational acceleration = time .... .... ahh right dw im an idiot >< i didnt realise you used the time for the whole journey nice derivation though i wouldnt have thought of it like that
  12. twilight1412

    Maths 3unit test - how did you go?

    whoa which selective school? im from penrith ^^ i came 4th in the exam ..... 1. 59/64 2. 58.5 3. 58.5 Me. 58 .... coulda came first >< screwed up so much easy stuff this means i come 2nd overall
  13. twilight1412

    2007 Jerseys

    im sticking +wi|ig)-(+ FTW ^^
  14. twilight1412

    Speed of electron in external magnetic field

    the answer to your question is that the velocity changes velocity 1.change in speed(m/s) 2.change in direction the speed remains constant but the electron is deflected and therefore the direction changes meaning the velocity changes
  15. twilight1412

    Space assignment?

    well you could always use bottle rockets and shoot them at different angles and pressures(to change the velocity) and then take measurements