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  1. U


    er this is weird. by going on what you guys said. Tut's should start after lecs. but my First Engineering Communication Tut starts on monday 25th BUT my first Enginnering Comm Lec starts tuesday 26th er how does that work? and yes those days are correct. i tripple checked.
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    First year enrolment

    its a green/yellow form you get in the mail?
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    Civil engineering qn

    everything's been said. and as ive been told. engineering is more 'hands-on' than business/law thus why companies look at experience rather than knowledge. thats all i preety much have to add.
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    The UAC "Accepting you offer" slip..

    really? i didnt bring mine to the enrolment. and it wasnt asked for .
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    dry cell or lead-acid cell

    are you comparing a dry-acid and led-acid in terms of social, ethical, environemental impact and composition. caoz if it is. i did an assignment on this which got top marks.
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    First year enrolment

    your camp registration form. everything else wil be given to you.
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    O camp 2008

    Re: O camp Ah yeah. once you've accepted they send you out letters saying enrollement times, info on o'day official welcome and the diagnostic test info. they also send you information on O'camp which tells you which camp your going to. ie 1 or 2. and a green or yellow form to fill out for the...
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    First year enrolment

    Enrollement takes 20mins. and once you've accepted you have to go to the UNI. besides you get your ID and all that then. though you might be able to get someone else to go. ie family? cause at my enrollment there was a dad there enrolling for his son. but its advise you do it yourself.
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    Bridging Course

    I know. im waiting for the whole "You have been accpeted, your class times are: .... " but i emailed the science staff and they said that conformation should be emailed to everyone. and if not ring Jane Langridge 9514 8270 though shes only in on Thurs and Fridays. so if i dnt get the email...
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    What is the latest date i can accept?

    for main round. i think its before 31st of JAN cause thats when late offers are made. i really have no idea. ring UAC and ask?
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    IPT Scaling

    IPT scalling isn't that bad. yeah it scales down. but thats only if you do average or below average. Scaling works in favour for you once you hit the 80+ range scalling for IPT won't hit you hard. And getting a 90+ apparently gets you in the TOP aggetated scale. so your in the clear, as the...
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    Bridging Course

    oh no i did ext1 math at HS. i was actually inquiring about the Physics briding. like how intensive are the lectures, tuts. and stuff. and if its worth it.
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    Whats the best engineer course?

    a higher UAI doesnt mean that the course sturture is better. ok say USYD had a 92.00 UAI for Structural Eng. and UTS has 85.00 due to the fact that the UAI us a rank it simply means that USYD is taking in less students than UTS! Besides UTS is way more industry based than USYD
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    Bridging Course

    does anyone have any info on it? like what goes on. etc etc
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    Engineering at UTS 2008

    why would i go there?
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    Engineering at UTS 2008

    thats exactly like my situation. im taking the physics bridging class. which should be adequate enough =]
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    how long will enrollment take tomorrow (16th)

    22nd? but then they miss out on camp? poor them. haha
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    how long will enrollment take tomorrow (16th)

    yeah but i think the 11pm session was busy. cause when i walked out of the room where you enroll in you subjects there was a line out the door in the sign-in room. whens the next enrollment day? as in for people that got main round offers?
  19. U

    how long will enrollment take tomorrow (16th)

    that enrollment day was really quick there were no lines at the 10:30am session. maybe other enrollement times weren't so lucky.