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  1. U

    Preliminary UTS Offer Questions?

    all i have to say is: that lady freaked me out when she called. thats all.
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    O camp 2008

    Re: O camp Weee CAMP! actually im kinda scared. as i know absolutely NO ONE in the course. haha oh im at camp # 2 ^^/
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    Bridging Course

    hey guys! anyone doing any bridging courses at UTS?
  4. U

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    i think im late in posting but anyways. 1st year B Engineering, Civil Structures, Dip Eng Prac
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    Those who sat Adv. English

    even though adv english is tough, it pays of in the end! and you'll feel more acomplished doing it.
  6. U

    IT exam easy!!!!!! IN before Starcraftmazter

    thats what i did! since its not being relative referenced down. so yeah exact same formula should be full marks. haha i stared at the question wondering what i was meant to write down. lol
  7. U

    IT exam easy!!!!!! IN before Starcraftmazter

    dammit dammit dammit!!!!!! i first picked OS but changed it to driver cause silly me thought that OS wasnt exactly 'software' daaaaaammmmmmiiiiiiittttttt!!
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    IT exam easy!!!!!! IN before Starcraftmazter

    in MC! Q12 SOMEONE explain it to me? i got sooo confused the hardest thing in the exam =[
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    IT exam easy!!!!!! IN before Starcraftmazter

    easyyyy as Q21 n Q22 =]
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    a database? as in a datadictionary for a database or a schema or a query or SQL? i don't think they'd as for a 'database' as such.
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    the exam is soon! YAY then i can declare freedom, which is all i care about =]
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    i'm sitting for it. only started studying after ext1 math, seeing as i had a huge gap to study. hahah i use the EXCEL IT book to study and done all practise papers from 2001+ lets hope this exam is as much fun as the IPT paper
  13. U

    Pen or pencil for diagrams ?

    so true, then it gets all messy, and then markers get the shits and you know what happens when markers get shitty with your work =/ baha also it doesnt hurt to sketch =P
  14. U

    Pen or pencil for diagrams ?

    i did a quick sketch of all diagrams (tree, schema) in pencil on the left hand side. fixed anything i had to. and transfered it using pen on the right handside of the paper. i've heard (from teachers) not to draw anything you want marked in pencil cause it can smudge and errased away throught...
  15. U

    What time did you leave?

    im in the same boat. 1:55 the hall was filled with 15 people hahah. 5pm i was the only one left with 3 supervisors glaring at me. the last guy left and i hadn't even started my 2nd option yet. sigh. theres like a 45mark difference between me and the 2nd guy
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    it doesn't haha. havn't you realised yet, thats how BOS works? lol
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    i can't believe there was an iPhone question. i researched it for my e-commerce asignment back in term 2 haha. oh we werent allowed to take our calculators in the exam. i took it by accident and the supervisors didnt say anything =D i hated the "head up" question gosh it threw me off.
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    Transaction Processing Systems

    data validation. oh dear i started talking about data integrity. but quickly realised =D this section was so general tho. it was good ^^
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    What Your think your raw marks will be?

    yeah logs, exponential and trig were HUGE this year. though no BINOMIAL!! yes! the 2008-HSCers can suffer haha. hmmm what raw do you guys think would it take to get you into each band?