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  1. M

    Australia, New Zealand consider single currency

    There are enough kiwi 20 cent pieces floating about here as it is... ;)
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    The Desalination Plant

    I heard some saying that the drought has officially broken... I think there's been more rain as of late, but I don't trust that it'll last.
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    Muzzles the latest in safe sex tech?

    For the Tassie Devil, maybe... ;) The Tassie Devil Facial Tumour Disease which has spread to half of Tasmania has been found to be caused by an infectious cancer from one devil. The cancer is now known to be passed on by biting...
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    Period Pain Medication-GIRLS ONLY

    Yanno how you can't buy cold/flu suppresants over the counter any more (cos some people boil them down for speed, or summink) - does the ban affect period pain pills? Apparently you've practically got to sign away your first-born to get the cold/flu pills now, photo ID and everythink, and they...
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    official UoW o-week 2006 thread

    Looks like there are three kinds - Gold ($120, but may go up to $200 next year), Bronze (free!) and Life.. we got an email about it yesterday. I think I might just stick with the bronze..
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    Another Cronulla, but in Melbourne

    Slightly OT - Is anyone else going to Cronulla tomorrow for the show?
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    Boy, 8, dubbed rape "time bomb"

    I don't want to know the answer to that question, and neither should you. As for questions of size, the skin (I'm assuming labia minora here) can tear. ( Well, what kind of sex-ed did you have at 13? At 13, I...
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    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    0-15? Geez, that makes it sound really bad...
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    Chiropractic medicine, Homeopathy, Spiritual healing?

    I reckon that with all medicine, a placebo effect helps. Mind over matter, or something of that nature. My mother's friend is a chiropractor, and I've had some treatments from her occasionally. I believe it works - as my mother's friend practices it, it's like a massage (which studies have...
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    Does God exist?

    They were written for different emphasises (and different audiences). According to Wikipedia: Matthew showed Jesus as fulfilling the prophecies. (not only miracle prophecies - just confirming that Jesus was who he said he was) Mark showed Jesus as miraculous. Luke was for gentiles...
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    Boy, 8, dubbed rape "time bomb"

    You can't watch your children 24/7 - that's why parents try to raise their kids with their morals, so that the kids have an idea of their own that actions like this are wrong. And besides, what parent would want to think of their child - I must watch them, in case they rape that other kid...
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    The da vinci code is a work of fiction - people like a conspiracy theory, even when the 'facts' propping it up are false or misleading.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    I gather that part of it is how you apply Revelations 22:18-19: to paraphrase - this book (Revelations) is a book of prophecies, don't add to them or take away from them. Some people apply this concept to the whole Bible. Oh, and some churches have added extra bits - Jehovah's Witnesses, and...
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    To buy or not to buy...ipod video...

    At least Apple's not trying to sell their computers as an iPod peripheral.. yet.. ;)
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    Is Firefox>Explorer?

    Sounds like it's trying to be Safari... ;)
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    Cyclopes Cat born [Pic]

    It seems like both eyes met in the middle, or something. It's not unheard of.
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    apple notebooks - yay or nay?

    Transferring files in most cases should be fine. :) Macs and PCs today are *much* more compatible these days than they used to be in the past, according to my dad. (and what higher authority could you ask for there? ;) ) Regarding the percieved lack of Mac apps, sometimes you've just got...
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    Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP

    I don't think that it would be such a bad idea, to do some form of community service as part of one's education. I hear that in South Australia, the Queen's Scout Award is given the same weight as a normal subject in their HSC. A lot of private schools in NSW, too, offer the senior students...
  19. M

    Muslim headscarves

    Firstly - pornstars can be ashamed of what they do. Secondly - I find it disturbing that you equate porn stars to animals.