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  1. M

    Summer clerkships 2009/2010

    clerkships have opened, let the rat race begin!!!
  2. M

    Atticus Finch and Law

    I believe that most defence lawyers have the dirty job (though an important one) of defending grubby scrumbag yobs or rich bastards who think they're above the law. You'll likely be spending most of your early years trying to get these criminals off but perhaps once in a while you'll have the...
  3. M

    Should I drop Law?

    I would say do NOT drop law, stay enrolled in it, but just do arts subjects for a year, and I'm sure that by the time you take a second shot at law subjects in your second year you'll have much better success. I certainly don't think I would have survived law if I had done it straight out of...
  4. M

    [Serious] Law students, do you have a life?

    well clearly we don't have a life considering there are now close to #40 posts on the topic of whether law students have a life. QED.
  5. M

    dropping law

    Not too many of us get good marks in our first semester of law. I don't see what's so bad with getting low credit averages... is it not the case that at many sandstone law schools a 5.2 gpa constitutes second class honours??? How is that bad? I'm in my penultimate year and my law gpa is an...
  6. M

    DPP Advice

    I'm not sure if it's a prerequisite to have crash hot grades to work at the DPP though having good grades is advantageous. I work part-time at a state DPP office and a lot of the work the case lawyers do are not predominantely black-letter law type tasks (which, I'd imagine is what occupies...
  7. M

    highest mark in a subject at uni

    i got a 7 (HD) for two of my pissy little 1st year commerce subjects: one was intro to microeconomics and the other was a bullshit computer-based information systems course.
  8. M

    working at the DPP

    they don't have a programme per se that's tailored to work exp students, you just work as a clerk and do things which the prosecutors can't afford to waste their time on, such as calling up police officers and making sure that they've contacted witnesses for trials, doing up subpoenas and...
  9. M

    How hard is to pass first year law?

    depends which law school you're going to. i believe at most law schools you don't study very much black letter law in your first year. usually it's just torts and you do contracts in your second year. the rest is filled with pointless subjects such as 'law and society', 'legal reasoning' and...
  10. M

    working at the DPP

    batman never gives information which could reveal his identity:).
  11. M

    Favourite Cases

    the argument raised by defence counsel in thabo meli, that the physical element of murder did not coincide with the mental element (mens rea), was also raised in a boston legal episode where claire had to defend a dude who was accused of stealing a cell phone (as the americans call them). she...
  12. M

    working at the DPP

    the work is actually quite good, there's a lot of other students doing work experience who have done clerkships at big 6 firms who say they'd much prefer working at the dpp. i get to 'instruct' crown prosecutors which means sitting alongside the prosecutor during proceedings taking notes...
  13. M

    Favourite Cases

    DPP v Morgan [1976] AC 182, where Morgan, the accused, a member of the Royal Air Force, invited three junior colleagues to his home where he encouraged them to have sex with his wife. Morgan had urged them to ignore any protests or resistance, saying his wife was 'kinky' and that these protests...
  14. M

    What's the appeal of Law?

    what case was that? cases that spring to mind are: Moffa, Stingel, and Green. Was it Green? As I recall, provacation is quite a technical defence and the objective element involves a pretty technical and counter-intuitive two-tier test (if I recall correctly), and is usually pretty hard to...
  15. M

    What's the appeal of Law?

    i studied law so that one day i could be like the funny old judge in boston legal and declare a matter before me "OUTRAGEOUS!" also look forward to making threats such as "do that again counsel and i shall hold you in contempt!"
  16. M

    working at the DPP

    even if that means risk being shot by Denny Crane?:haha:
  17. M

    working at the DPP

    hmm well i start work exp at the DPP pretty soon. all these boston legal episodes are getting me excited :headbang: .
  18. M


    as was said by michael jackson (me) in the song "man in the mirror". :)
  19. M

    goodbye from law forum

    goodbye champ. i hope our paths cross in the not too distance future.
  20. M

    have you ever done well in a law exam even though you thought you stuffed up badly?

    indeed, frigid. looking forward to studying admin law next year! heard it's extremely boring.