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  1. F

    I Hope They Mark According To Outcomes

    I HOPE THEY MARK ACCORDING TO OUTCOMES, if they mark it any other way i think im pretty fucked
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    What The Fuck Was Crime??

    yeh they ask for bloody two FUCK!! 8 MARKER was a FUCKER TOO!!
  3. F

    What The Fuck Was Crime??

    no they dont give 2 measures all they give is sanctions and extradition, and that dont even apply to the fucking case
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    What The Fuck Was Crime??

  5. F

    What The Fuck Was Crime??

  6. F

    Fuck Fuck Fuck

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    Crime dot point

    decriminalsation of cannibis
  8. F

    Hoping for EFFECTIVENESS in the essays

    i reckon 90% chance there will be a general Q on effectiveness
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    human rights

    the trend has been that human rights are no longer seen as a means of imposing external or policital values, they have begun o be regonised as a respect for human dignity and the right of indiciduals to live in peace
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    Wat Do They Mean By Legal Issues?

    study hard and it will come, it is one of those things that come from a deep understanding of the work. i called up the advice line and they couldnt really describe it as well. not once but three times!! here's a def. that may i found helped a little, in the context of legal studies, they...
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    yes it is
  12. F


    denaturation is not all that The process of denaturation occurs by the following heating - weakens H-bonds changing pH - affects ionic attraction shaking - increases thermal energy which is heat adding cheimcals - changes protein structure as for what mercury posted i do not noe...
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    A Family Law Legal Essay Christmas, By FadeToBlack

    my thoughts are u need more detail perhaps drop a weak issue and buff up the rest GO FOR FULL MARKS DONT SETTLE FOR 20 =)
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    What do u guys reckon??

    but isnt being able to write with "flair" an outcome as well?
  15. F

    What do u guys reckon??

    who do u think would get the higher mark (i) person who covers all neccessary things within a text, but does not communicate it well. < as in poor written english OR (ii) person who "doesnt" cover all neccessary things within a text, but is an extremely competant writer
  16. F

    Number of issues for an Effectiveness Essay

    just hope that is it an effectiveness question
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    yeh optometrists do get stacks, but thats only if u own ur own business
  18. F

    Fucking Hell!!

    yeh but the problem for the essay questions is that i dont really understand them. All i end up doing when i see it, is just start talking about all this crap in the topic that doesnt neccessarily answer the question. wat pisses me off more, is that i just spent 8hrs on family law, called up...
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    Fucking Hell!!

    sorri for use of obscene language just how im feeling right now!! fucking called up the advice line today and asked general questions on legal studies and essays and it turns out that i am so fucking lost!! i honestly dont know if they have confused me or if it was me that was...
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    urgent law+society questions

    thats wat it puts in the syllabus and also in 2 text books i've been through so i guess yes