Search results

  1. Acid

    1st year commerce and economics

    But hyperbole is still in year 12.. so maybe the best advice would be to study a little and get into commerce first off! Easy solution? :)
  2. Acid


    Where's the useful part? Perfect competition that won't happen? Production possibility firms for countries that produce only two goods? Trying to establish exact variable costs and graphing them according to output? Trying to quantitatively measure qualitative opportunity costs like time? If...
  3. Acid


    Gotta agree with the comment about the textbook, but that's the case with most of our first year textbooks. The text is so convoluted and wordy, with about 3 quarters of each chapter just being filler text. Not to mention the fact that it's boring.... But the subject itself is OK - i like...
  4. Acid

    <80% tute

    ECON1101 and ECON1202?
  5. Acid

    <80% tute

    Hmm.. I think i've missed 2 tutes... i'm not gonna fail right? :S
  6. Acid

    Best University for Business Global Trade

    Do what you're good at and what you're interested in, and there will always be a job for you. No one can really say that one major is in more demand than another, as it depends on so many things...
  7. Acid

    Second Semester - Transfer to part-time

    Quick question - at UNSW is it possible to transfer to a part-time degree from the beginning of your second semester? I'm currently enrolled full-time but only want to go to Uni during the evenings because I want to get a full-time job. Thanks!
  8. Acid


    I'm gonna start studying for my mid-term soon but don't have any notes. Would anyone be willing to trade their FINS1612 summaries for accounting, micro or QMA summaries?
  9. Acid

    Do guys who recieve regular sex still masturbate

    Definitely don't have a toss that often since I have a steady girlfriend, but if I have an imminent deadline and need some fast relief, I wouldn't rule it out. :)
  10. Acid

    Dropped Out

    Yep - my g/f is a permanent resident (well her application is in progress but she finished high school here, etc) and she pays HECS fees but had to pay them up front. So the benefit of the govt subsidy is there but you don't get the interest free loan...
  11. Acid

    Everyone grab a copy of Blitz...

    HAHAAHA.. "Nick" is this guy that used to go to my school - he's the strangest character ever.... And what's with Cyrus.. "I don't really have much time to play anymore. The new games are probably better because I play them more"... WHAT THE?
  12. Acid


    I entered, but just for fun. I don't really know too much about the share market but I guess this is my chance to learn...
  13. Acid

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    Seriously - it won't matter what Uni you went to for a job in journalism. For other careers it's more important, but for journalism there are a lot of other qualities an employer looks at as opposed to where you obtained your degree. Also, before you get any type of job you'll have to submit...
  14. Acid

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    Comp as in computing? Not really interested in having technology dominating ALL of my time. Also, in the industry i'm in it's much more about getting your name out there and having some experience than a degree anyway, so even if I did get a degree related to the field of journalism I want to...
  15. Acid


    Ditto! (damn 10 characters...)
  16. Acid

    Uni living arangements

    Name one thing I said there that isn't true...
  17. Acid

    Uni living arangements

    I'm living at home, and love it. Don't have to cook for myself (i'm hopeless at it), don't have to shop (i hate it), don't have to wash my own clothes (who enjoys that?) and don't have to pay many living expenses. I can also call my friends when I want to go out, rather than have them banging on...
  18. Acid

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    Straight from my resume, here are the print publications i've written for in the past: Sydney Morning Herald The Australian Atomic: Maximum Power Computing PCPowerPlay PCGameZone Hyper APC PCGamesAddict (currently hardware editor there) Official Australian Xbox Magazine (currently do...
  19. Acid

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    I'm actually a freelance journalist at the moment, but ironically i'm studying commerce. The type of stuff I write you're probably not interest in though - mainly technology and games.
  20. Acid

    hours in a week?

    I do 13 hours a week...not much at all. My g/f is doing advanced science and she's on 23 hours a week...