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  1. L

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    hahahahahah are you for real or just an elaborate troll
  2. L

    What have you eaten today?

    smoking gives you cancer
  3. L

    What have you eaten today?

    same. which is why my diet consists mainly of dead cow/pig
  4. L

    Missing Melbourne woman

    yeah that's what i was getting at, so far there had been no information regarding his method of extraction
  5. L

    Missing Melbourne woman

    something's missing here. how did he manage to abduct a grown women off the sidewalk by himself? he had to have some kind of transportation ready
  6. L

    I need help with a situation involving my brother?

    also, are you on meds for ur adhd gurl
  7. L

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    #1: yyou're soooo hot :) #2: fuck off you vapid slut, you don't even wanna take it up the p00per, I only put up wif u cus u look like the female version of joseph gordon levit #3: yea gurl see u tommorw night yeaahhhh
  8. L

    Formal attire for men- what combination to go with ?

    well it is, if you wanna look like a funeral director or a member of the triad disregard if you're actually in the triad
  9. L

    The indecisive clothing thread

    neither what are you gay
  10. L

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    there's no source ann you silly girl it's highly likely that she made it up
  11. L

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    i have no idea who are love interests are but then again i don't visist this place as often as I used to
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    that sounds like something Hume would say
  13. L

    What are you currently Reading?

    nah just read it and form you own opinions but if you're looking for a quick, short introduction to modern Western philosophy i'd sugguest An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by Hume
  14. L

    Are morally objectionable acts excusable if enough people think it's ok?

    has anyone actually tried to pronounce 'kant' irl h3h3h3h3h3h3 those crazy germans
  15. L

    What are you currently Reading?

    well either your critical thinking skills are well developed in which case you'll come to view the whole book as a backward, nonsensical farce or you'll become infected with platonism. seriously, of all the philosophers you could read, you picked plato. next you'll be telling me how diseases...
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    Outfit of the Day

  17. L

    Outfit of the Day

    either post pics of helen and elise or take your s/t talk to fb
  18. L

    Outfit of the Day

    pics you fucking scumbags