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  1. L

    Physics and Finance?

  2. L

    Physics and Finance?

    yes and that's what i'm doing relationship: maths /thread
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    Girls and social life

    hahahahahah wow
  4. L

    NSW rego stickers to be scrapped.

    hahahahahaha are you actually retarded or what?
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    I just don't know anymore

    it's from an engineering comic? (referring to the original)
  6. L

    Second chances?

    but I thought they wanted us to suck their tits?
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    I just don't know anymore

    the wisest words I've ever heard from man: suck her tits.
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    I just don't know anymore

    so much self hatred in this thread. what the hell is wrong with you people? if you can't bear to be alone then I don't really know how you'll live
  9. L

    Which philosophy units to study in sem 2?

    you misunderstood me. if you enjoyed philosophy for its own sake, and not as a mean to an end, you'd know what I meant. and since you view the philosophic way of thinking as a complement to your law degree I'll suggest intro logic and critical thinking.
  10. L

    Which philosophy units to study in sem 2?

    none of them, read philosophy in your own time. don't waste your time and money 'studying' it at university. it isn't something that is 'studied', it is something that is philosophized about and, most important of all, lived.
  11. L

    Do you believe in God?

    iron man > thor
  12. L

    Test and compare your internet speed

    rent a seedbox dl 24/7
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    Since psychology differs from neuroscience in their approach to studying the human mind and behaviour, clinical psychology, the application of psychological studies, would of course differ from psychiatry and neurology, the application of neuroscience. This distinction is uninteresting. What...
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    lolwut. psychology in its broadest sense is the study of human behaviour and the mind through psychological experiments, surveys and, in certain fields, introspection. It may seem scientific at first glance, but much of the theories in psychology have no biological, chemical or physiological...
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    What should I do with our relationship?

    son of a bitch stole my line
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    psychologists will one day be replaced by neuroscientists as alchemists had been replaced by chemists. sorry gurl you picked the wrong degree
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    I agree, I don't really hold psychology in high regard. the only reason im doing psyc1001 is so I can perv on all da hawt chix coming from b.arts. might drop it for a chem unit
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    what colour nail polish are you wearing?

    bright pink~~ <3 <3 <3 xoxoxo
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    Outfit of the Day

    jeez oe & riproot when are you two gonna make out?