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    I like to hang with the cool cats from usyd :(
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    Band 6 in EXTENTION 1

    Not entirely true, look at SOR I. E4 is only for extension subjects.
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    Non Firefox browsers take long to load

    That wouldnt be it. I'm not saying that firefox runs faster than others. My problem is the all other browsers run slower than they normally should. Firefox is the only one running at normal speed. Like i said, google is taking upwards of a minute to load, which isnt right on any browser.
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    Exam timetable sem2 2006

    COMP2121 exam will most likely be easy if other exams set by Sri are anything to go by
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    I <3 Winston hi yulia!
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    Non Firefox browsers take long to load

    I guarantee that is not the problem
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    Non Firefox browsers take long to load

    Heyo, ive really got no idea why, but all browsers i try other than firefox take ages to load sites (eg. google takes upwards of a minute). For the record ive tried IE, opera, avant. I'm stumped as to why, any ideas?
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    Lots of Harder Questions

    a is the independent variable, not x, so if f(a) = xa then f'(a) = xaln(x), just like if f(x) = 2x then f'(x) = 2xln2
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    Difference between computer Science/Science IT?

    I disagree, at unsw and when i was at usyd there were tonnes of majors, at unsw you dont even have to do a major (which makes comp sci extremely flexible as the number of core subjects you need to do are decreased). UNSW is renowed for its extremely flexible comp sci. In 2 years i've managed to...
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    Difference between computer Science/Science IT?

    Er no, they're quite different. UTS isnt flash hot in maths, but the UWS maths is highly watered down compared to other unis. I dont see what you mean by uws offering practical computing. As opposed to other unis which offer impractical computing?
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    Shm Help!!!!

    Subtract the endpoints and divide by 2 Normally you'd do larger endpoint - smaller endpoint, if you do it the other way you'll get a negative amplitude, which just needs to be made positive.
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    cambridge or fitzpatrick for 2 unit?

    If you can do all the questions in either book you should own 2 unit either way. If you want explanations of topics, dont bother with fitzpatrick unless you have another book that explains things well.
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    Dear Sunny

    Why not use the PM function? The rules are in the terms and conditions, which you stated you agreed with by signing up.
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    Mathematics at UoW

    Hmm depends on the course i guess, the stats i did last semester was heavily calculus based, we proved pretty much all the results including the central limit theorem. I like that part of stats, but i dont like the things such as hypothesis testing.
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    Will marks be deducted...

    In my opinion, so long as you dont contradict your correct work, you can write whatever you want. If its irrelevant to the question they'll ignore it. A similar thing happened to me in a recent uni exam. I know it is a slightly different institution, but i doubt the procedure is different. I...
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    About Mathematics 1A & Mathematics 1B(comp science)

    If you're really desperate to practice, go to the unsw co-op bookshop and buy the lecture notes
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    Mathematics at UoW

    Pure maths isnt limited, computation alone has its foundations in pure mathematics, not applied ;)
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    Non HSC Maths Marathon

    This ones actually easy, i just find it kind of cute: Prove that, at most, only one of e*pi and e+pi can be rational.