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  1. A

    Why was the 3 unit paper so hard?

    Its not a joke. They can make it as hard as they want, and its not like it wasnt expected given the ease of the other maths exams. It doesnt disadvantage anyone, a harder exam with align more.
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    What languages do you know?

    High school: pascal, VB Uni: java, C, perl, shell, assembler, javascript, html, cgi On my own: c++, python note: some of those arent languages :p
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    Where to study Computer Science then?

    So effectively, chose unsw because you'll get taught by Richard once, maybe twice in your 3-4 years of study? tbh, i've seen better
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    Math Careers

    It depends what area of maths. Stats would get you the highest paying job straight out of uni in finance companies and such. Pure maths would probably lead you onto further studies beyond undergrad, but you also see a lot of gaming companies wanting pure maths students. Heres a few examples of...
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    programming tutoring?

    You dont have to distribute the actual programs to show if they're good...I mean i made a ping pong game in year 11 in VB6 and i knew pretty much shit all about it (and to this day i still know very little, but i still use it when playing with databases and stuff). Just like tutoring in any...
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    4 (c) Probability

    ^^correct No replacement, otherwise you could pick the same square, which would go against picking different squares.
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    programming tutoring?

    Define very good. Any projects you could display?
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    Folding @ Home Unsw Team
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    Continuous functions

    The 'proper' way to find if a function is continuous at a point is to find the limit on both sides at that point and show that equals the function value at that point, ie: lim(x->a-) f(x) = lim(x->a+) f(x) = f(a) As PC said, there are other sufficient conditions that imply continuity, such as...
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    Aero: 99 at Usyd, 85 at UNSW. What's the difference?

    lower uai to attempt to increase the influx of whites
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    Studying for Maths

    I didnt touch a past paper until trials (and even then, i only did trial papers). After trials i did only hsc papers. At the very least, wait until you've done all the topics. Theres no point doing a paper when you're skipping questions that you haven't learnt about yet.
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    Firefox 2.0 Release

    Downloaded both Firefox 2 and IE7, i like IE7 better to be honest.
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    whats a good raw 4unit HSC mark?

    3 and 4 unit marks have nothing to do with each other, they're given out independently. So no, it wont pull down your 3 unit mark.
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    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    No, it irritates me to continually have to teach the same thing over and over again at that level. Tutoring/lecturing at uni is a different story.
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    english hsc worth 100%

    No, it doesnt require a high english mark. It requires a high uai, which is easily attainable without a high english mark. HSC markers have nothing to do with UAC at all. The first person to reply to your post, Lazarus, does have experience
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    english hsc worth 100%

    So what's your source then?
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    english hsc worth 100%

    Whoever told you is obviously mistaken, then
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    Question on computing

    Building a website for a clown recruitment agency, or something similar
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    Orthogonal matrices

    Never mind, was entering the wrong matrix in it seems :/