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  1. L

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    King Lear sucked so hard! I don't even know what I wrote about!!! I think I have have mentioned how he was obssessed with power and he was up himself or something.... and how were u meant to incoporate other peoples readings of the play??? bahhh. I HATE YOU KING LEAR AND BOARD OF STUDIES
  2. L

    Revolutionary or Conservative Nationalist?

    yeh im more inclined to think he was a bit of both. Both terms seem a bit extreme to use. Oh and if you're wondering why I asked, it's because it's the last dot point in the personality syllabus for Mandela and I didn't really know what to say about it! I think that his ideas were...
  3. L

    Section 2

    I thought that was soooooo bad. it wasn't like any other years where you'd usually be given whole bunch of stimulus. I had worked so hard on a prepared response and didn't fit at all. So I kind I said that "id didn't remember what his sotry was about, but at the end of it he said that lifes a...
  4. L

    Revolutionary or Conservative Nationalist?

    Nelson Mandela: revolutionary or conservative nationalist? You decide. (If you care)
  5. L

    GAP YEAR...anyone?

    ohh wimbledon nice! I'm so excited about leaving, but I'll be devo having to leave my friends! I know someone who did caring in England goldengirl, she had the best time in her life. She said that she didn't get as must holidays as other people doing tching and stuff, but she really enjoyed the...
  6. L

    MTPs gone, gone gone!

    So, how does everyone feel? MTPs would have been handed in this morning. I feel like it was a bit of an anti-climax. It's so weird to think we never have to do prac. again! hazzar!
  7. L

    GAP YEAR...anyone?

    ummm i didn't go through a program, i just organised it myself. I emailed various schools in england with a letter explaining what i could bring to the school and then i attatched my cv. This way is definately cheaper than going through a program like GAP, but u have to persevere with it. I sent...
  8. L

    Textile Innovations

    yes! im looking for the same thing! i can't seem to find many pictures or diagrams anywhere.
  9. L

    GAP YEAR...anyone?

    yeh im going to a school near london which is awesome and i think ill just be a student tutor or sporting coach and supervisor that kind of thing. As it's just a primary school i doubt ill have to do much hard yakka. Don't listen to what ur parents say! Have they actually spoekn to anyone who's...
  10. L

    A Bill of Rights for Australia?

    Re: Bill of Rights in Oz with the current government with the majority in both house, id find it comforting knowing that the courts have a little bit more power in their hand so they can keep some of this crazy legislation in check.
  11. L

    A Bill of Rights for Australia?

    Re: Bill of Rights in Oz but don't u agree that we should recognise the rights in our domestic law that we claim to abide by in international agreements?
  12. L

    A Bill of Rights for Australia?

    Re: Bill of Rights in Oz haha yeh i am doing legal, but this topic just really interests me anyway
  13. L

    A Bill of Rights for Australia?

    Getting a federal bill of rights or something similar has been an issue of contension recently especially since the introduction of the new terrorism amendment laws and sedition laws affecting our rights. Many people argue that a bill of rights would be able to create a benchmark or set a...
  14. L

    Does God exist?

    i think it all comes down to faith. whether or not ur going to let urself believe.
  15. L

    2006-07 Federal Budget

    wow. i said 'i think' alot
  16. L

    2006-07 Federal Budget

    I think this future fund is partly an excuse to simply get rid of the surplus so the average person won't complain too much about the taxes they're paying. I think its really over rated and there's alot more behind it then simply saving for the bad times or however they want to put it. I think...
  17. L

    2006-07 Federal Budget

    I think the budget was fairly predictable, but it was a disapointment. There's all these little tax cuts here and there to get votes for the next electon, but there's not much in terms of long term planning, development etc (roads are an exception) i think it would be more worthwhile to actually...
  18. L

    GAP YEAR...anyone?

    I'm going on gap year to england at a boarding school...anyone else doing something similar? I rekkon taking a year off will be soo worthwhile, i couldnt stand going from school straight to uni, i would probably die of frustration.
  19. L

    The Official "ive f*cked my HSC already" thread.

    im still in denial about the hsc coming up! i just want this pain to eeeend!