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    Prophecy - Ultraviolet

    hmm... this is a classic rave politic question. :) only three months in fact, so you can say you're better than me :) from wikipedia: rave is an all-night dance event where DJs and other performers play electronic dance music and rave music.
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    is it possible...

    thanks heaps everyone!
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    Prophecy - Ultraviolet

    i think Razengen is Razengen on echild. i'm 云云!. and you are Mr Bennett, i assume?
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    is it possible...

    to achieve high hsc marks without tutoring or having any guides/notes or seminors etc.? as the only money i spent on my education is my textbooks. i'm aiming for 99 in uai.
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    Roman Catholicism

    i believe in hedonism. are you serious? what's the point of pleasure??
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    Roman Catholicism

    123 yes, either one or no religion can be right. they're mutually exclusive, however, just because you happen to believe in the "wrong" religion, in my religion, that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to hell.
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    Prophecy - Ultraviolet

    ok, i know no one cares on this forum. but i'm so fking excited. this may very well be my last rave b4 the hsc. 10:00-11:00 Suae 11:00-12:00 Weaver 12:00-01:00 Raver Baby Crew (UK) 01:00-02:00 Raver Baby Crew (UK) 02:00-03:00 Brisk (UK) 03:00-04:00 Hixxy (UK) 04:00-05:00 Recon (UK)...
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    best ever concerts

    ok, this is not really a concert. ultra 1st birthday @ metro was awesome.
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    Roman Catholicism

    Re: Catholicism you should do studies of religion. my point of view: -you're brought up this way, faith, people tell you so -mary gave birth to jesus, and she was supposed to be pure or something, but that's it -christians follow the teachings of bible and believe in jesus christ -rituals...
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    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats don't have any piercings or tattoos atm. however, i want to get a chinese character of my name and/or southern cross on my arm, an eyebrow piercing and an upper ear piercing.
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    What's with girls being attracted to adlays?

    wow, i thought only ravers say "gronks"
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    Happy Chinese New Year!

    awww, i didn't get anything! :( but i did have a great bdo 3 days before yay!!!
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    Sex Before Marriage

    are you engaged yet? i know someone who got engaged at the age of 18 then broke up a few months later. not saying that it will happen to you of course. but you sound like you already has set your eyes on someone.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    god is jealous though, at least according to NIV translation. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me - Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 5:9 Do...
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    Would you have an abortion?

    definitely abort. and for numerous reasons. i don't see the logic behind against early term abortion at all. just because it has the potential to life doesn't mean anything. sperm has the potential to become part of a foetus, so we shouldn't waste it? each egg has the potential to become part of...
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    Sex Before Marriage

    yes, you certainly can. An open marriage is a marriage where both parties agree to permit sexual relationships outside the marriage, without regarding this as sexual infidelity.
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    Sex Before Marriage

    if i ever get married (extremely unlikely), i'm gonna make sure it's an open marriage.
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    Sex Before Marriage

    so what happens if your husband wants a divorce? are you just gonna beg him to stay?