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  1. goony

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    paging waf (or anyone who has input): would you recommend info3404/3504 or comp2007 for ease (in terms of assignments, exams, lulz etc.)? The way my degree works, i have to do one of these subjects next semester and one next year 2nd semester. info3404 has a clash with another subject's...
  2. goony

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    we could start a rock band band...or go guitar hero busking. Speaking of which, whatever happened to the gaming consoles at manning?
  3. goony

    Should conscription be re-introduced in 21st Century Australia?

    In 10 years, wars will be fought on halo servers in 65,535 a side team slayer matches anyway. Alternatively, we could just take some keen SAS dudes and turn them into jason bourne like assassins and unleash them upon any leaders who look at us funny.
  4. goony

    Who wants 18 million Terabytes of Ram?

    solving the year 2038 problem eh
  5. goony

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    iirc, for me they didn't actually confirm by email either until the offer and info package was mailed out to me. relax guy. haha i'm quite pleased with the exam results so far. The markers haven't been slouches either.
  6. goony

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    woo hoo INFO3402 - 76 - D ISYS3401 - 71 - C Funny, i thought those marks would've been the other way around. In any case, i never expected to get anything over a C. That means i must've gotten something like 82% in the final exam for info3402 and iirc, they don't scale info/comp/isys/elec...
  7. goony

    Advice: 'At least its work..' vs 'Quit, quit now!'

    They payrate does sound a bit low. I can't recall specifically, but off the top of my head i think the rate for a part/full-time employee is around $15-16 an hour for someone over 21 in a retail shop (which i would assume a newsagency would fall under). Casual employees get a 20% loading on...
  8. goony

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    my cousin applied for there next semester. on a completely arbitary note neb, how does one get on your enemies list?
  9. goony

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    YouTube - Real Life Towelie Cought On Tape
  10. goony

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    4 credits. Probably an average mark of around 70.
  11. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Ah k, so it's open book. I'm still torn between ELEC5619 and COMP2007 at the moment. but hey i'll have all holidays to figure it out. Currently in B.E (electrical)/B.Sci...trying to squeeze in majors in comp sci and in info systems. neg haven't done graph theory before actually.
  12. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    not really any easy EE subjects, the closest i can think of are: elec3610 (only do this if you've done info2120 though, you need databases knowledge) elec4706, project management elec3702, management for engos (2-3 hour seminar each roll is marked after week 3 or 4 i think)...
  13. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    hahaha, so i decided to work through all the tutorial questions and lecture examples for elec circuit design today. Almost an entire exercise book and 5 hours of study later (64 pages), i've only got the tutorial questions done and i still don't know what to expect for the exam. If they throw...
  14. goony

    semester 2 timetables

    neg, i'm doing elec5619 instead due to timetable clashes between elec3609 and other subjects. Similar content i think, but more focused towards database programming, java servelets, jsp and that sort of stuff as opposed to .NET tech. Also, 30% final exam ftw. in retrospect, that will mean...
  15. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    i knew i should've started studying elec3404 earlier...only realised there literally are almost 1000 slides to go through. :\
  16. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    FFFFUUUUUUU- Had an open book exam today and was waiting for the text book i had reserved from the usyd library. According to my inbox, i got my 'awaiting pickup' notice about 10 minutes before the exam started. Should've just copped the fine when that textbook was originally recalled from me...
  17. goony

    what do people think of the group

  18. goony

    semester 2 timetables

    wouldn't happen to be elec3609? I had the same problem with my 5th level elec subject. It wouldn't let me enroll because one of the pre-reqs is info2120 and i did the adv version of the subject (info2820), which apparently is not on the list of pre-reqs. Just go see the elec eng co-ordinator...
  19. goony

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Ah yeah, i had michael charleston in first year, awesome lecturer. He seems to focus on alot of bioinformatics and stuff, which sounds interesting. I haven't done C++ formally yet (only tinkered with it when a couple of my mates did info3220 last year), so i only have C and Java proficiency...
  20. goony

    semester 2 timetables

    hahaha ace, only doing 3 subjects this semester though?