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  1. E

    Standards Packages!

    i suppose if they keep on producing standards pacakages there will be standards responses for eveyr single question possible out there
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    Co-op interviews!

    hehe wish it was that easy kaseita ethical..hmm..hehe ya know helpin old ladies across the street and what not do like that guy in the nrma ad did, turn up late, but say you had to save someones life or something :p
  3. E

    Welcome to Faculty of Commerce and Economics

    you probably can do that but my teacher who her daughter is an actuary told me that a double degree wont be of muych benefit workin as an actuary
  4. E

    how many ppl get 95+???

    8% x 65000 (?) = 5200 :)
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    Co-op interviews!

    how will it help as the things i had on my applicatoin were the things I myself did, not some 04er
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    Standards Packages!

    cost? sounds a bit stupid to me since they are CHARGING people for the standards packages oh well
  7. E

    Standards Packages!

    really? thats news to me
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    colour change transition elements

    you can use the same prac on both props for doin a topic on ur own
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    colour change transition elements

    chem of art? we did one where we got potassium permanganate, MnO4-, in which it was purple, did all these redox reactions and got diff colours for it
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    Co-op interviews!

    ^ yeh would like to know how many interviewees there are i know that there was 16 actuary co op places offerered last year..very slim...2 were from my school :D
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    Co-op interviews!

    yeh? wow cool i take it u are part of the selection team or something?
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    Co-op interviews!

    got one for actuary!! very pleased
  13. E

    what radioisotopes are you going to use?

    u can use tc99m for both industry and medicine mapping for medicine testin pipes and stuff for industry
  14. E

    Naturally occuring bases?

    caffeine is one and methylamine, (CH3NH2) which is the stuff that gives fish the rotten smell....thats why people put lemon on it(lemon-citric acid that neutralises it) nicotein is also one
  15. E

    pH question... HELP PLEASE

    i read somewhere that ph of acetic(ethanoic) acid is 2.9 for a 0.1M soln...and that it is about 99% CH3COOH ions, and 1% the dissociated
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    yes but you run into the problem of gettin out of syllabus stuff tested anyone else, or issit just me that feels so good when you get to a question, recognise its outta the syllabus and saying.. "FUCK THAT!!! MUAHAHAHAA"
  17. E

    2003 hsc large questions??

    i doubt therell be a question greater than 8 marks within the test though..
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    The Three Year RUle

    i doubt it, theres so many things they havent tested me and some friends mapped out the previous 2 years and ticked off the dot points that they tested theres still much more to be tested
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    18th December

    i reckon dec 18th will bring a plethora of "what will my uai be" on the forums :D