Search results

  1. K

    Pharmacy at wagga and orange?

    Well... I know a guy doing pharmacy at Orange, and I know a few girls doing pharmacy at Wagga, and a girl who has graduated (and another couple too come to think of it)... If you get into Wagga, go there. You will be employed by a local pharmacy whilst doing the course... Which means that...
  2. K

    The Pill

    I have been thinking that I would like to go on the pill for period pain and acne etc (not contraception though... there is a better method - it is called keep your legs closed) recently, and when my mum was on the pill, she lost weight, but as she (and others) have said, it is different with...
  3. K

    Wedding Song.

    Canon played on the violin with a piano accompanying while I am walking down the aisle. I don't know about walking back up the aisle, or during the signing of all the papers. There is a lot of songs that I want played during the reception, but nothing that stands out to me at the moment as...
  4. K

    Open days

    Yeah I know... I have been warned a few times... But they just don't seem to be there when I pass through that corner turning left out of Pine Gully... Seeing that it is usually 10pm or later Sunday and Monday nights... I think I am reasonably safe. I always stop there anyway. But at the...
  5. K

    How do u apply for a tax return

    I submitted mine Saturday week ago at something like 11pm, and the money was in my bank account on Saturday morning just gone.
  6. K

    Open days

    Have you been caught??
  7. K

    Open days

    Once you move to Wagga, you will know exactly where I am talking about! That comment about the roads was really rather random... Sorry!
  8. K

    Not Started Pip

    You lot really are up a creek without a paddle. This time last year I had already handed mine in. And tonight I have been editing a friend's PIP so that she won't stay up all night and bring on the labour of her little boy who has 3.5 weeks left inside his mum! And I was shocked that she...
  9. K

    Open days

    CSU claims that everyday is open day. Ring them up (look on the website for a number) and explain who you are and what you are planning to do, and they should be able to work out a time that is good with both you and them for you to come along and have a look around. Apparently Dubbo...
  10. K

    Want to be a journalist? Help get CSU in to the pages of The Student Leader

    Look at and click on the "hungappa" link. I don't know what the other campus' magazines are called, but the Hungappa belongs to Wagga CSU.
  11. K

    Want to be a journalist? Help get CSU in to the pages of The Student Leader

    Hunguppa!!! I read it online... You know the uproar that was caused when Rivcoll didn't put in the Sam'sWord of the Week one week? (They are still a week behind..) I know Sam. He is actually a rello of mine (not that we knew that, or know how... He has the best surname in the world)...
  12. K

    CSU Bathurst Kitchen Stuff

    The one at Wagga gets used... As does the squash and tennis courts - they are rather popular...
  13. K

    Tax Declaration Form

    You get them from the newsagency (as long as the newsagency has them in stock... Reminds me, I need to try another newsagency on my way to work tomorrow...)
  14. K

    Subjects for Music People

    In 2004 I did: General Maths Music 1 (4 performances) Standard English Society & Culture PD/H/PE
  15. K

    5 week term

    Coming from someone who doesn't go to CSU, but has friends that do and are currently on holidays... I don't like the three weeks holidays... But I suppose looking from their point of view, the five week term was good... 4 days to go...
  16. K

    School Fees - How much do/did you pay for Education?

    I think my school fees were about four grand a year... That's for a rural Christian parent controlled school... Pretty reasonable when you think about how much the Catholic schools (all three highschools that turned into two were about five grand a year) and the Anglican school (about five and a...
  17. K

    So who's off to CSU this year???

    I currently live in Wagga (leaving in about 10 days! w00t!) You will DEFINATELY need a fan - even if the rooms are air conditioned - a fan is a must. Ooo! And make sure you pay student services fees asap - then you can use the pool (and drag along 5 people who either don't go to uni or...
  18. K

    Highest UAI at your school?

    92.50 Private, Non-selective, CPCS, "Rural" (NSW's largest inland city). We had 36 in our year group, and not everyone was able to get a UAI, and I think there was only one dot in the group.
  19. K

    who's up for teaching

    Well... I'm not going to be a B Ed (Pri) student next year... Stupid UAC and BOS.
  20. K

    lowest UAI

    My average mark was 71. My UAI was 46.00... 25 difference. Don't complain people.