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    The Bio students who "I did this so I'm right because the test was easy"

    I totally agree with you. That I think is a better post than all the others.
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    Fashion and Textiles Design course

    I did not do any of those arty subjects at school or textiles, though I have been sewing for a long time and all that, but no school experience...I am sure they will teach everything, its just maybe easier to pick up if you have that background. Maybe you could do a short course or something to...
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    The Bio students who "I did this so I'm right because the test was easy"

    "spade" , oh,,, are you one of the people I am talking about? well look I do not wish to adversely affect the emotional well-being of people in this forum... I just would wish people weren't so overly confident... when clearly some of the things they say are "so wrong". But anyway, just an...
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    well it seems to me more appropriate than a "quadrant" or "capture-recapture" method... perhaps the answer has not been suggested by any one of us yet... anyone put anything else reasonable?
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    The Bio students who "I did this so I'm right because the test was easy"

    I don't like people like you... assuming you know it all and you think it was easy. many of you and then get disappointed when you get your results because you didn't expect it. so stop with the nonsense "if you talk about quarantine you will get full marks", because half of you have no idea...
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    an infestation can be considered a disease,, doesn't have to harm animals, it harms plants (thats why pesticides were developed for it), infestations are considered a disease for eg. tapeworm causes a tapeworm infestation (that is the name of the disease they cause)
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    I know ay, this is year 12, not year 11... an epidemiological study would be appropriate as information on its occurence, reproduction rate etc can be gained... descriptive..! quadrant and capture recapture on locusts and grasshoppers? yer, I'm sure ... thats like saying "pigs can fly"
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    biology students

    oh, I hope to do well.... but with all the other exams, and Bio being my last ... everything I have studied tends to fade......... Came first in my year... hope everything goes well...
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    Short answers

    How did you relate the quote in Aboriginal short answer questions.... totems? Dreaming Ancestors? I got that interpretation.undefined
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    Multiple choice q.3

    There has been much debate about this: everyone seems to be getting mixed up with "social" "emotional" and "psychological" needs... so whats the verdict?
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    How many booklets

    I guess its quality and not quantity... but I was so surprised no one was getting extra booklets. I needed 3 extra! I did 2 booklets for each one ... though the parenting and caring second booklet was only 3/4 as it was that .. lets just say "ambiguous" question.
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    Multiple Choice

    I am still really confused about Q.3 I want to get to the bottom of it!!!!
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    How Did You Answer The Parenting And Caring Part C?

    I did the exact same thing... I mean that sounds the most logical, doesn't it? it was kind of next to each other on the syllabus... but then again with a question like that, who can be logical!
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    French continuers - how'd you go

    Listening was bad...actually TERRIBLE! Too much on language features in reading and responding. Liked Q, 12, 13 ....but not 14... ran out of time... I don't think I have written enough...I used the vous form in q12 to make it formal... but then again I was going on more about my qualifications...
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    What are LOTE exams like?

    I have french continuers tomorrow and I'm not a native speaker... oh, listening is so challenging!!!! I have an exam everyday this week.... but finish next friday!! yay! yay!
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    How Did You Answer The Parenting And Caring Part C?

    I am totally lost into how one would answer, it was so confusing! what did everyone else do?
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    Multiple Choice

    Q. 8 I put B as they used sole parents... anyone could use community services as health and well-being, but the sole parents need support with their children to ensure emotional health and well-being and balance etc etc. Q 3, if it was A wouldn't it say 'emotional' needs, those are emotional...
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    Multiple Choice

    haha, I thought the multiple choice were appropriate...but confused over Q.3... what did you people get? the "psychological" needs
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    General Thoughts

    I totally agree with that. I have topped cafs since year 11 and found this the most TERRIBLE paper I have ever done, worse than the 2002 HSC, (now that was a difficult one). The parenting and caring questions was the worse... and too much focused on rignts/responsibilities. My classmates thought...