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  1. S

    F*ck English

    yep i screwed up paper 2.... didnt know wuthering heights, (thats what happens when you take an exam when you didnt read the book for since january :P hehe scruffy
  2. S

    Is paper 1 and paper 2 both 50%

    it's enough to say that if you screwed up paper 2 like me that u'll pretty much fail....:( its unfair but shit happens scruffy
  3. S

    Who didnt have enough time?

    i had about 2 seconds to spare after the completion of secton 2, i was rushing hardcore to get my story finished but it luckly got done :P... bad luck if u didnt scruffy
  4. S

    Your worst section..

    yeah section 1 actually, i had a good AoS essay that was prepared, and a great story throuigh time. but section1 was adverage
  5. S

    section two

    mine was dark and gloomy, (well thats pathetic Falecy for ya:P) about a girl who lived in the Newcaste Dewtention Centre after her parents gave her up.... the rest inst appropriate for posting.... too depressing/realistic scruffy
  6. S

    F*ck You All I Didnt See A Question!!!

    well i almost did that myself, but i looked over my answer and didnt match the 2 marks and reread the q, thats when i saw the flame............... so i almost lost out too:( scruffy
  7. S

    question thirteen

    yeah thats what i told myself also, i know i screwed up that question, i forget my result, but i did it wrong guaranteed..... scruffy
  8. S

    General view

    easily too much english based, with only 9 marks with stoichiometry, what is the point of an english test for Chemistry??????? i dunno Scruffy
  9. S

    Q27 - who liked it

    hey i thought Q27 with the 7 marks about the ozone hole was a gimme, what do the rest of you think
  10. S

    Estimated mark?

    hopefully abotu 85ish, but honestly aroung 70... there was too much essay writing but Q27 was great scruffy
  11. S

    copper concentration

    yeah i dunno what i got but it was something similiar, 0.003, i hope i got it right....... scruffy
  12. S


    yeah ph=3 because it was a 10x dilution so it equaled 0.001 molL-1 -log 0.001 = 3 therefore pH=3 scruffy
  13. S

    acetic and citric

  14. S

    now that you've done the exam what do you think you'll get

    im hoping for 80+ but realistically abotu 65+ it as a good exam so hopefully thats in my favour scruffy
  15. S


    hehe i wrote for the h3o one h20 + 1/2H2 i totall forgot he h3o :P hehe scruffy
  16. S

    <<<<<Quantitative analysis/ Qualitative analysis>>>>>

    yeah i know i did the same, i dunno what i wrote :) but its made up out of the top of my head :P the good old bullshitting routine hehe scruffy
  17. S

    Maths Mark

    below 50 cuz i suck at maths scruffy
  18. S

    so how many weetbix do you eat!!:)

    heh four everyday for the past 9 years.... im a sad man.,............................. hehe scruffy
  19. S

    IMPORTANT: All MSN Messenger Users!

    yeah.............interesting idea...............ill be gad when mine is hidden away forever in two weeks....... hehe mine is easy to remeber simple numbers but i wont out it down yet..... well at least you can claim the starter of the concept on BOS hehe scruffy