wel, heres my two bob... it doesnt explicitly say that we do not quote PB in the syllabus, have a check, and it wont be in there... so are allowed to use her... but dont be dependant on her use others also
yeah i know, but thats the same with chem and phys. he only way to cram i think is to go through the syllabus 2 days before and look through for the 'assess' 'synthesise' ets, (ie the higher order skills), and alsosee if there are any 'double bungers' (ie both in the unit and 5.1)....
i cpuldnt have put it better myself, it was f*cken shithouse, i on;ly ot up to q7, it was bloody hard, well at least ive got 13units :P, maths probably wont count
hey if you break the rules you have to pay the consequences........, you have to live by that all of your ife, so if the phone goes off your shot really :( your tough luck for not listening
hehe yeah i was like that i as only about halfway through the yellow booklet when i looked up and it said 11:15, i was paced (stupid english!!!), but i finished with 30secs to go, so i dunno about my MC answers
hehe scruffy
well thats a concensis i have to say it was the biggest gimme in the whole paper, i woud have been pissed if it was in the M/C. and yay no Fertiliser Q!!!!!!!!!!!!
no simply because the question wasnt clear, you could have done two extracts... either from Wuthering Heighs or Two Criticla Readings............you decide