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  1. M

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread The reason I'm here, Musk, is because I'm at work and most sites are blocked on the internet, so I didn't have much else to do except lazily trawl through threads and laugh at people who lost and can't accept it, and resort to pathetic...
  2. M

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread This conversation is pathetic. You complain about a racist comment to Kamal (which I'm equally horrified by) but then proceed to attack Emma about her weight, as if it has anything to do with her ability to run the SA. But I guess I see...
  3. M

    Exemplar samples online

    When I did my HSC last year, I remember being able to find the standards packages - exemplar and "mid-range" etc sample essays from past HSC exams online, I can't find them on the board of studies website now. Does anyone know how I can access them? I need ones for english advanced for the...
  4. M

    My School fucked me over - what can I do?

    I posted this on another thread - I think how well you do in english ext 1 seriosuly depends on your interest in the subject. If you really think that you'd do better in Pomo and hate the revenge-tragedy then whinge and complain until you get into it. If this is just about extension 2, then...
  5. M

    I need some help please!

    My ext 1 teacher was really absent-minded, procrastinated and he ended up spending most of the class rambling about random tangents: in short, we got no work done in class, to the point where I often stopped going because it was all so pointless. Despite the difficulties encountered in...
  6. M

    Your thoughts on the exam

    It was SO relieving - I was expecting to fail for sure, instead my two day cramming session paid off and all the things I remembered best/studied most turned out to be in the exam - loved the Sparta questions, especially women and I thought foreign policy for Hatchepsut was great, I could think...
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    Major assesment results

    I got full marks, which I was quite happy with, especially since I pretty much left writing it until the last week it was due, I think it was my actual interest in the major work topic that saved me. I'd support making history extension two unit - but only if we could do the major itself...
  8. M

    are you screwed for ancient or what?

    I am so, unbelievably screwed for ancient. I don't find it particulalry interesting so it's hard to remember, and I've already forgotten half the stuff I've studied. I haven't so much at glanced at anything P+H related since we studied it...last year. If my internal mark is 89, which is pretty...
  9. M

    New Kingdom Egypt [Society] until the Death of Amenhotep III

    Yeah, I'm doing it too (unfortunately) I'm finding it fairly difficult to study for because I'm just not interested in's so hard to memorise all the various campaigns, stelae and building programs.
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    french continuers

    Yeah, I actually liked doing it. The reading tasks were easy, far easier than the ones I had in the trials, and funny too.
  11. M

    Individual and Society - Portrait of a Lady

    "If they actually ask us to use three prescribed texts, i'll alude to it." You mean they can ask us for three prescribed texts? I thought you only ever had to do two! That's what my teacher said...
  12. M

    Creative writing

    I'm trying to prepare some ideas I could use in the exam - I have a feature article and narrative idea, unfortunately neither of them would translate well into an interview. Does anyone have any "Journey" interview ideas? I can only think of blatantly obvious stuff that I really don't want to...
  13. M

    2006 NKE question?

    Any guesses as to what the question will be for "NKE - Ahmose - ThutIV" this year? Based on past questions and stuff. What is everyone hoping for? Im really hoping it will be an "impact of the hyksos" related question, it's the area I feel confident in...I find studying for Egypt so hard...
  14. M

    Hatchepsut - legacy and impacts?

    What is the difference between a question requiring you to discuss Hatchepsut's influences and impacts, and another requiring you to discuss her legacy? I'm trying to do notes via sylabus, but all these influences/impacts/assesment of her reign areas seem the same to me...
  15. M

    Europe - Home fronts.

    Just wondering, does it specify which home fronts we need to know about for the exam? Because in my class we were only taught about the British and Russian home fronts, I know nothing about german. Also, any idea on what kind of home-front related question could be asked? Would we most...
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    International Studies 2006

    Is it? I mainly want to do it for the language component...
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    International Studies 2006

    Just wondering, the 2006 UAC guide lists "journalism + media" as an int. studies career opportunity - how does the course relate to journalism/media? At the moment I'm tossing up between: communications/int. studies, law/int. studies, or communication/law, but would ideally like to find...
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    a few questions about social inquiry

    If you dont mind me asking (I don't really understand much about UNI) but does this course relate somehow to journalism? I'm interested in maybe combining this with international studies in order to work in international aid or diplomacy something, but I'd also like to pursue journalism as well.
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    Bennet's religion?

    what religion were the Bennet's and Mr Collins? Am I right in thinking they were protestant/church of england?...not evangelicalist or anything else?
  20. M

    "I+S" related material dilemma

    Prelim notes? Lol, no I just wanted to do MP because it's one of my favourite Austens... Thanks for your advice. I'm still not sure I want to give it up, because I feel like it's one of the stronger points in my essay and I remember seeing exemplar sample essays which used an austen related...