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  1. Benny_


    Hmm.. I didn't see this thread earlier. Yes, Clifton Collins jr. was incredible, definitely my choice for best supporting actor. His performance was, I thought, nearly as good as Hoffman's, so it's a shamed he wasn't considered. Tell me, what was it that Brokeback Mountain, Munich and Crash had...
  2. Benny_


    I had no idea that Bogie's Sam Spade wasn't the first, but yes, great film. Other good ones off the top of my head.. Cape Fear and King Kong. Most hated remakes, well thankfully most of my favourites haven't been remade. I wasn't impressed at all by the remake of Breathless though.
  3. Benny_

    Movie that made a great impression on you

    See the Hostel thread. I haven't seen it, but it seems like a pretty slasher movie, following in the footsteps of Wolf Creek and classics such as House of Wax, Chaos and so on- gore for the sake of gore. If Hostel really impresses you, chances are you'll like Silent Hill and the remake of The...
  4. Benny_

    The Sopranos

    At least you're not 3 seasons behind :p. I'm contemplating whether it's wise to sacrifice 39 odd hours of study time in the next couple of weeks to catch up :p
  5. Benny_

    a history of violence

    ^^ Which critics?
  6. Benny_

    Last movie you've seen?

    Watched Sympathy For Mr Vengeance for film studies yesterday. Before the screening, my lecturer rates it as one of the top 50 movies ever made. High praise, I thought. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the praise was richy deserved. I hadn't really been a fan of Park Chan-Wook from what...
  7. Benny_

    when a stranger calls

    Meanwhile, the trailer for the Omen remake is hysterical as well. That poor kid is gonna be teased about it for the rest of his life.
  8. Benny_

    Favourite Movies.

    "No I don't mean Donnie Brasco" I think :p
  9. Benny_

    Favourite Movies.

    Donnie Darko isn't a mafia
  10. Benny_

    Last movie you've seen?

    Would you be interested in helping set up a filmsoc at UOW Nick?
  11. Benny_

    Movies You Think Deserve to be in the IMDb's Top 250 Movies of All-Time

    The amount of movies that are more worthy of 2nd than Shawshank (and The Green Mile) too for that matter probably number in the hundreds if not thousands. It's not a bad movie, but people give it way more credit than is due.
  12. Benny_

    Last movie you've seen?

    Not necessarily. To say that a movie is 'great' if you can relate to it implies that there are no objective standards to filmmaking, which just isn't true.
  13. Benny_

    Favourite Movies.

    Do you mean Donnie Brasco?
  14. Benny_

    Last movie you've seen?

    Films I've seen this week: Saturday- Mr Smith Goes To Washington- 7/10 Finally saw this for the first time, and frankly I was disappointed. I guess it was silly of me to have expected it to be something like It's A Wonderful Life. Frank Capra.. James Stewart.. all the ingredients are there...
  15. Benny_


    Eh... you go to UOW right? I can probably get it to you somehow. At the moment it's in Italian with dodgy subtitles though :p
  16. Benny_


    I bought this at Chinatown sometime last year, being a huge Wong Kai Wai fan, and an admirer or Antonioni and Soderberg. I should've known that for $10, the DVD turned out to be Italian with traditional Chinese subtitles (not so good with the traditional Chinese). Recently I downloaded just the...
  17. Benny_

    a history of violence

    Why would anyone despise it? It works pretty well as popcorn entertainment too :p
  18. Benny_

    what movie have you cried over???

    lol.. I'll forever bear a grudge against Sean Penn for stealing the best actor oscar from Bill Murray for LiT.
  19. Benny_

    Oscar 2005 Thread

    Actors better in terms of acting eh? Fancy that! You'll find that a fair few people disagree with you on Crash. Just read one of the crash threads. Hiphophooray's is pretty much one extended 1 star review.
  20. Benny_

    a history of violence

    It's very good. And Maria Bello is pretty hot in this :p The 69 scene isn't as good as the one that comes towards the end though. I'll wait for you guys to see it before spoiling anything for you And no, the sex isn't too explicit. The second one's hot though