Search results

  1. 0

    What would you like to see on BOS 2005?

    I'd like to see a sub-forum of the NCAP dedicated to politics. Most, if not all, threads at NCAP are'd just clear things up.
  2. 0

    A few questions...

    Yeah but before exams you get to a stage where you feel you know everything but realise when the exam starts that you actually know nothing. I call that the Lord Arrogance complex.
  3. 0

    Mario Kart DS

    Amen to that. It should rock. Mario Kart was always my favourite N64 game. But 1 question: Can you make your own maps?
  4. 0

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Why do people do Psychology? I just don't get its popularity.
  5. 0

    Residential Colleges...

    But-they're-Catholics. Not that I have anything against Catholics, but they're weird. Weird and obsessed with sex - which would explain the smell at Johns.
  6. 0

    Conflict in Indochina QUOTES

    Orrrr, you could blow all that 'reading' and just hijack the gist of what they say in the blurb on 1) Search for the topic (e.g - Indochina) 2) Pick the best books 3) Read the blurb 4) Write down its gist, and 5) Jot down its details.
  7. 0

    Marriage + Uni

    Marriage isn't huge. It depends on who you get married to.
  8. 0

    Quote about Diem...

    Bui Tin. Forget the book but it's something like "Memoirs of a North Vietnamese General" Just google his name and some key words.
  9. 0

    time dilation and the paradox thingy

    :) I don't get a word of what this is about :) I do Modern History instead :) Trotsky was Russian :) :)
  10. 0


    I feel sorry for you city kids; must be sooo hot! Here in cool Coffs it's just on 25* with an Easterly blowing in at the right time :) But it sucks when it's hot during an exam; you just can't think!
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    Addicted to V?

    Good old Zahid; my offer to tutor you E-N-G-L-I-S-H is still open!
  12. 0

    Extension English people

    I've got my creative-narrative-type thing prepared, interview-type thingo prepared, society-type thingo prepared and a more generic genre thing prepared for X1.
  13. 0

    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    My target is law at USyd. Either: - First year entry - Transfer entry from BComm or BA (History), or - Graduate law after BComm/BEc or BA/BE (Mining)
  14. 0

    Semester 2, 2005 at Usyd (or 2005 at USyd)

    Yay, sigged :)
  15. 0

    Residential Colleges...

    Women's college is apparently full of "dykey dykey dkyes"; sexist regimen spouted by WaF. Although most girls I know who went to Women's College have very strict fathers who only want to protect their special little girls.
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    what courses are ppl doing at uni?

    Did you know it's against the koran to study law in a European country? Something to do with worshipping the guidelines of a non-Muslim country.
  17. 0

    Petition For Crime Question

    I notice that most of the signers here are bloody lazy. LEGAL STUDIES ISN'T ROTE LEARNING. YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW ISSUES RELATE TO A VARIETY OF SITUATIONS; cofac.
  18. 0

    BOS Man Stamp of Approval

    People are just too obnoxious and nownownow thee days.
  19. 0

    Contract Law question

    Under the Acts the one which is considered first is given priority. If this contract is deemed unjust, the one of greater public interest is considered..
  20. 0

    How do you appeal a question..or section in the the paper

    The Legal Studies challenge is a joke. Have you read the syllabus questions? It's in there...I did it.