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  1. inasero

    Med timetable

    Ok so can I be a dentistry student then? These days, I'm learning head and neck anatomy so surely that qualifies me to be a dental student!
  2. inasero

    Eligibility for the MRBS?

    u cant make generalisations about med schools like unsw is cool or adelaide is laid back (unless of course you have studied at all of them)...each uni has their arrogant and humble students.
  3. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    Yes you may have your own opinion but I don't think you're in a position to go around telling other people what they can and can't read in relation to Christianity seeing as you're not one yourself. Of course educated discussion is always welcome, but please don't accuse Christianity as...
  4. inasero

    Med timetable

    no ur a vet student!!!
  5. inasero

    Eligibility for the MRBS?

    NB: I changed the title of this thread. Users please title the threads accordingly instead of merely "Quick Question"- it makes our (moderators) job much easier and allows easier searching of topics for future forum users :)
  6. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    Before you bring a flock of questions into the forum I think it would serve everybody well to get a good idea in regards to what christianity is all about- not to mention it's a leisurely read you can go through at your own place:
  7. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    -Nobody knows; God probably probably looks like humans since God said "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness"..." (Genesis 1:26) -Nobody created God...God created everything....time and matter and gravity too -Nobody knows, it's ot written in the Bible...even the...
  8. inasero

    Eligibility for the MRBS?

    thats only at unsw...all other places you just apply for the CSP (formerly known as HECS) place and whatever you get it's up to you whether you take it or leave it. It's not as if you say "Oh I definitely want to go rural so I'll just put down my BMP place followed by a CSP place". A CSP place...
  9. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    well from a christian point of view...homosexuality is sin but God wouldn't love you and less because of it. A homosexual person could enter Heaven as long as they believed in the sacrifice of God's son Jesus and acknowledged the sinfulness of their lifestyle decision and showed outwardly signs...
  10. inasero

    Eligibility for the MRBS?

    you can't apply for a BMP. It's enforced upon you if you scrape into med school. This is unlike the MRBS where you get into med school and have to sumbit a separate application afterwards, which is assessed on the basis of an interview and written essay.
  11. inasero

    Eligibility for the MRBS?

    a bonded position is where you scrape into med school and the government tells you where to go without reimbrsing you other than your salary...hence it doesnt make sense that you'd be able to apply for a scholarship where you choose where to go and be paid for it at the same time.
  12. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    the Bible itself states that we should be in the habit of meeting up with other belivers and encouraging/getting encouraged in the process. Another advantage is learning about the gospel and having stimulating discussion rather than form a personal view which may be misguided. Anyways I dont...
  13. inasero

    UNSW Compsoc Installfest April 9

    great! hmm...its USB 2.0...i dont mind waiting for it...should be worth it hehe problem is im in melbourne :(
  14. inasero

    Australia's position within the Pacific region...

    Nobody is above the law...Australia shouldnt have to apologize but perhaps we could be more cuturally sensitive in the future. The "special government screening preocedures" or whatever sounds like a good idea.
  15. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    There's a couple of ways of looking at it. You're right in that the Church as a religious institution is not the be all and end all. It's important for people to critically appraise what is presented before them as opposed to following like blind sheep. I think that's what God intended for us to...
  16. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    well katie i think it's in our being not to "change with the times" because to Christians, the theological doctrine is what dictates how Christians live their day to day lives and not the other way around. i.e. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the...
  17. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    I'm not going to stop you from beliveing what you want HellVen but let me ask- haven't you ever thought there was more to life than being born, living and then dying?
  18. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    yep shes VERY the Church a bad name
  19. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    okok maybe you're right but the Gospel (message of Salvation) doesn't rest on the minor details. What does it matter if Jesus died in a Roman prison or on a cross in Golgotha? What does it matter if the nails were driven into his palm instead of his wrist? These are trivial matters which are...
  20. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    sorry for getting sidetracked yes to answer your question ur_inner_child: I'm sorry that you had this bad experience with your friend. Nobody can tell you for sure who is a real christian or not because that's up to God to decide. You will find that there are many Christians out there who...