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  1. inasero

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    That's not true. Scholars (historical as well as biblical) unanimously agree that the Bible recorded the events of Jesus' death with great consistency and reliability. Plus it is written in the scriptures: "All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and...
  2. inasero

    UNSW Compsoc Installfest April 9

    i have a external 3.5" USB HDD. Can i install linux on it separately and use it as a portable computer by plugging it into other computers wherever i go?
  3. inasero


    i dunno what it says but ayhows ^^; ha it doesnt work! well not unless ur in shanghai. What's up Steve how's life?
  4. inasero

    m:robe 100

    then its probably worth getting an ipod or asking somebody from america to send an mrobe over
  5. inasero

    m:robe 100

    NB: thats the American price so bit more expensive here given the exchange rate
  6. inasero


    say what?!
  7. inasero


    wenhui u got ripped pretty bad...for two reasons: if ur for the flash state players n functionality u can get 512 meg players for 60-70 bucks if you're for style u can get a 4G ipod for 260... oh yeah and it doesnt look very nice...but thats my thinking personally sorry to break it to ya~
  8. inasero

    the melbourne life?

    30-40 mins by train, 10 minutes to get to a train station in the first place, and walking to the bus stop...fortunately for me only 5 minutes.
  9. inasero

    the melbourne life?

    very far.......
  10. inasero

    Uni Is Easier If Old School Tie Is Public

    hey my uni...whaddayaknow :P
  11. inasero


    the UAI and ENTER information is readily available on the web just do a google search...all else failing i recommend as for the lifestyle, melbourne is really great as is Sydney. Being a Sydneysider studying in Melbourne I can't say for sure which is better...except that I...
  12. inasero


    stop picking up on BoS...
  13. inasero


    is there anybody else in the world who can do THAT?
  14. inasero


    so...who are you Mr. Stalker? ;)
  15. inasero


    lol we'll have no debate about which uni is good and bad here! UWA sux...u dont see me bagging it out!! hehe jkjk :P
  16. inasero


    constantine sux cos its distorted. Demons don't attack humans by scaring them but rather through slight distortion of the truth. Furthermore Gabriel the archangel who appeard to Mary and Joseph to announce that they would give birth to a son, the immaculate conception (Jesus). Obviously that...
  17. inasero


    you mean kimchi? yeah it sure is! well traditionally it's supposed to be but strict food laws in Australia means retailers cant supply the fermented version...the customer has to let the product ferment themselves for a certian amount of time. That's not to say some dodgy asian groceries don't...
  18. inasero


    nope my name is Wenhui Wu who's JanJan by the way? is she a christian? wow another christian on CT!!
  19. inasero


    you may think you know me...but ask yourself this- do you really know yourself?
  20. inasero


    only a chinese company could put something like "fashion" on the side of a car...