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    combined law at sydney

    The thing is the cut-offs are not determined by how many people got over 99.85 let's say, but they are determined by the demand for the course. Not all students with a UAI over 99.85, applied for law, many applied for Medicine, others advanced forms of Arts or Sciences and Business areas.
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    combined law at sydney

    I was there too, very interesting lecture.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    They certainly have, still I find it strange that their UAI for early childhood teaching is at around 79, when Macquarie, which is renouned as the best Early Childhood Uni has it at around 77. But anyway law, sciences, economics and even engineering are low.
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    Laptops for Uni

    I think botha notepad and laptop would have their advantages. I suppose sitting next to a person typing, would annoy me as those little keys on a laptop can make annoying sounds. But then again you have nicely typed out notes, or then again you become too worried with font, or the screensaver...
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    As te good old saying goes, There is more than way to skin the cat. No ones career ends at the end of a HSC, it only begins. I want to do Law, I didn't get the 99+ I would need, but I am still going to do law another way. What many students whom think they cannot continue their career need to...
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    post ur HSC legal marks here!

    well done to all!! Very good marks I see. Speaking of the Multiple choice questions, I wonder if it was Torts or contracts for Question 8 - I spoke to the head of Social Science at my school and he knows the head examiner of the Legal Studies paper.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    An educated workforce, by means of unis. A uni degree does not entitle one to success. In fact many of those who have their claim to fame with their uni studies are heavily criticised, usually with the term "textbook warriors" - mainly becuase they only study and don't do.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    There needs to be improvements to the system, but why should a majority pay for a minority, sure we need to support people, but you don't do it when those with Uni degrees to a professional career who are to make million's, will have been assisted to that position by those who payed for them...
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    combined law at sydney

    The high UAIs for law are essential although can be frustrating. Often those who are committed and motivated to legal practice, often do not straight off recieve a high UAI. Many do Graduate Law, or the Diploma. Either way a problem in our society is many people have law degrees, in fact too...
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    combined law at sydney

    EAS runs of a different system. Each course has spots dedicated to EAS scheme, but your biggest hope would be that those who you are competing against for a place in the course got a low UAI, that way they don't beat you into that course.
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    Law Extension Committee

    Just wandering what uni students, LEC Students or students who have just finished the HSC think of the Law Extension Committee's Diploma in Law course.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    It's called User-pay. This policy refers to lowering burdens of the community as a whole when not all members use its services. It is said that about only 30% of students will go to unniversity, why should the other 70% pay for the 30%? It is a reasonable argument. And as stated before, more...
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    Well you are right, it would be great, but it is not feasible, economically.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    Yes, after all it was Labor that introduced University Fees. What we have here is a strain, a Government that opens up an avenue of revenue means more funding available, when these avenues are being closed becuase of the strain, we jump, but do remember the money poured into the Government sector.
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    Uni students pay dearly for cutbacks

    Re: Stuff dat It is perhaps better to string together a more sophisticated argument rather than "dumbasses". The cuts will cause concern, not doubt about it, having said that, not all careers are fulfilled at Universities, nor should there be a continual burden for students to go to...
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    post ur HSC legal marks here!

    87 - Public and proud of it!
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    UAI for UNSW for this year 99.3, for Usyd it is 99.6
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    Helpful Website

    Well not really, I just like to assist where I can, and hope that the service is useful.
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    Helpful Website

    No problems.
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    Helpful Website

    website is