Haha, don't worry, friends and I used to buy chicken salt for lunch, that was all we could 'afford' and hey stopped giving that out for free so :(
Spoken like a true accounting student, because lets face it, its only those guys who do this.
Check with your tutor if the assignment will be left somewhere, usually the information office close to where you're handing the assignments in, but double check.
You've got a few options:
a) Start making friends in lectures/tutorials, its going to be harder, but just chat to people and you may find someone else is in the exact same situation.
b) Go join a club/social/sport group at uni, its an easy way of participating with common-minded people.
c) If...
Macquarie has a very good Education program from what I understand, it's been around for a while and one of our stronger sectors (notably Early Childhood). However, since every education course must prescribe to a set of expectations and limitations set forth by the NSW Teacher's Federation for...
RB has better DLC, GH has better instrument mapping, get the instruments you want, then just buy the other game as a standalone, problem solved.
I've got both and enjoy it.