Search results

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    The most bad-ass videogame character

    Edward the Bard and for all you naysayers, for shame.
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    Rebuilding my music collection

    Post your name and address so we can send you CDs etc.
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    That VideoGame Blog Wii MotionPlus and Wii Sports Resort releases dated, oddly far apart Yes, MotionPlus dated!
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    Best uni for studying Law?

    I'd say most people base it on job opportunities and the vocational aspects of the course, cos lets face it most lawyers are in it for the money, and in such an oversupplied marketplace, its those little things like 'prestige' and connections which will dictate who gets into the higher end of town.
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    e-student question

    Read what I posted again. Particularly this part:
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    Best uni for studying Law?

    It also depends on what type of 'education' in law you want, a vocational one or a more humanities focused one.
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    Good Laptop???

    What're you going to be using it for? This is the primary question you should be asking. Gaming? General purpose? Desktop replacement? A $400~ netbook will have a 'good run' for ages, most laptops will. And yes, that machine is overpriced.
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    e-student question

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    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students. Spot on! Haha, you do realise that an IntComm degree has like 3 extra subjects on top of a normal media degree, and that their 'scope' is hardly worth writing home about? Not that I want to put you off it, just wanted to make sure you were aware...
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    taking time to adjust...

    Yay! That's great to hear, uni is a lot more fun when you've got other people to enjoy/hate it with.
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    Bebo VS Facebook

    Please off yourself now.
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    Is it to late to withdraw from a subject

    It's too late, you will get a Fail Withdrawn and you will have to 'pay' for it.
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    What do u hate about MAQ

    Tell them you'll call immigration if they touch you.
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    what is it with karen o

    That's why I didn't say they were, but yeah most of the appeal of Karen-O would probably come from the fact she gets her gear off, even though she looks like skeletor.
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    What do u hate about MAQ

    Yep! I hate people who spell like retards.
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    what is it with karen o

    She gets her gear off, that's about all I know about her. Yeah yeah yeahs aren't that bad.
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    Draft Exam Timetable

    Unit Name Exam Date Exam Time Duration Notes EDUC105 - Education: The Psychological Context Thursday 11 June 13:50 2 hrs Awesome, no room!
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    What do u hate about MAQ

    I sense a common link amongst many of these complaints, mainly involving students who can't read english!
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    I have an assessment due tomorrow, haven't started, all nighter?

    If it is urgent you'll find a way to stay awake.