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  1. A

    need help with photoshop 7.0

    That's awful. Pen tool, masks. Your friend. Otherwise use the in built 'extract' tool.
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    Repeating a Passed Subject

    Re: Help, I got a P (62) for a subject. Help, I seem to have misplaced my brain.
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    100lv subject to do sem 2, 2009

    If you can't get a D in ISYS123, then you're going to struggle getting it elsewhere
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    Results Discusssion

    Educ105 - d aust300 - d
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    What is/are the overall difference/s between P and PC?

    I hate it, the mark should not exist at all outside of capstone or final semester units. If you fail, you fail, if you pass, you pass, there shouldn't be a 'oh you almost passed' mark.
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    triple j hottest 100 of all time

    Needs more Freddie Mercury at 1
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    Far Cry The movie!!!! MAD

    Number of game to movie conversions that are actually decent: 0. Yeah.
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    Games not running on Vista

    Sounds like you'll have to run it in compatibility mode.
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    just a phase???

    They're not lesbians
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    Is there any way of getting RAW marks for assessments?

    No one is going to give you your raw marks
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    iPhone or not?

    Well you obviously don't have as much music as I do
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    iPhone or not?

    The camera has vastly improved, up to the standard of phones in terms of quality and megapixels a couple of years ago. 32gbs is not 160gbs or more. It's not a laptop of course, but if a laptop is just as convenient to carry around, there's no advantage to carrying something around which may...
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    backstabbing so called friends

    Rofl whats this bullshit, cry me a river.
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    iPhone or not?

    Most of the iphones features are less than impressive compared to other smartphones already out there, lets face it, the camera and video is a few generations behind, tethering, etc have all been in the market for a while. The reason you get an iphone is really for its browsing capabilities and...
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    Results Discusssion

    Educ105: P aust300: P
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    iPhone or not?

    I can't justify it, its got a shit camera, mediocre space for music, and is inferior to my laptop. The fact it fits into a pocket is irrelevant since I carry a bag everywhere for work anyway. If you can justify that, then its great, I suppose.
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    Green Day Tour December 2009

    That's what pre-sales will get ya
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    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students. Leave time for lunch!
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    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students. Well you're free to try and scab one off someone at the bar, just don't try and steal mine!
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    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students. Well I'm a poor uni student, I can only afford alcohol for myself sorry :p